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alright i finally got my stuff and im ready, but got a question? im giong to be doing 2cc a week of eqiplex 200 and 30 mg of Dbol a day. my question is i have 10 ml of sustaplex 375 left, is it worth adding this to my cycle at 1cc aweek or is it a waste? please let me know

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your gonna need more sustaplex than 1 bottle. Even at 1ml a week..that bottle will last about 10 weeks. More than likely the 2nd shot on the 10th week will be short. How long is your cycle?

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What test are you running with the EQ already? Anything?

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its going to be 10 weeks for starts and if it needs adjusting i will add on. no test in the original cycle. thanks for helping.

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Posted by: area51
its going to be 10 weeks for starts and if it needs adjusting i will add on. no test in the original cycle. thanks for helping.

ouch....this cycle looks baaad.

Eq and Dbol together with no test??was this recommended, or have you had success with this in the past??how old are you??if you're close to 30 or older, you could very well be kissing your boys goodbye...for a long, long timeif not forever....if you haven't started, hold off untill you get some test to run at least 250mg/wk throughout cycle....not to mention a solid plan for PCT!

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Posted by: area51
alright i finally got my stuff and im ready, but got a question?im giong to be doing 2cc a week of eqiplex 200 and 30 mg of dbol a question is i have 10 ml of sustaplex 375 left, is it worth adding this to my cycle at 1cc aweek or is it a waste? please let me know

I would leave out the sustaplex for another time since you only have 1 vial.

Are you going to run HCG throughout the course of this cycle?That is important keeping you from being shutdown and also that would allow the body to better utilize the PCT you are going to run.

Why no Test?Without it you risk sides of low test levels during the cycle.


Bodybuilder * Grappler * Olympic Weight Lifter
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***It aint the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog***
Coffee's Gym Sponsored Female Superheavyweight Olympic Weight Lifter

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You should have asked this before you went to the store... I have a feeling you don't understand what happens during a cycle...

Tell us your goals and why you arent preventing shut down and why you are unsure about using Test with a cycle... What about PCT?

I think you jumped the gun on this before you knew what you were doing...


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


Asking me where to buy or anything about purchasing steroids will first get you a warning then banning if that type of questioning continues... No exceptions! Don't even joke about it!

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ok im not a idiot , i only listed my base gear, sorry for the confusion. i also have good understanding of post cycle care, not to mention im running nolvedex and clomid. thanks for the help ,to whom helped.

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Just to echo everyone else, I think it's a bad idea. I'd definitley add some Test. Also why are you running EQ for only 10 weeks? Thats a little short imo. I'd run it for a little longer personally.
Also, nolva and Clomid aren't a great PCT. Just my .02
Good Luck anyway.

"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son."

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First off, welcome to site. Good to have you here. Please do not take offense to the feedback you have been given. Believe me bro, your best interest is at the heart of everyone's comments.

Actually if you could get one more vial of test, you could make a decent cycle out of this. If you take 0.5cc of sustaplex 2x per week, the vial will last you about 9-9.5 weeks..axio vials are not overfilled to accommodate for the loss in the tip of the pin though, so you won't get 20, 0.5ml shots out of the vial....325mg of test per week is a decent dose though with EQ and d-bol. If your diet is really good you should be able to put on ten pounds or so. With Eq, you should consider making this a 12-14 week cycle. Eq takes a while for some start noticing it's effect (6-8 weeks for some people) so running the cycle for a good length would make it all the more worth while. If i were you i would run it like this:

1-15 sust or test 325mg/wk
1-14 Eq 300-400mg/wk
1-4 d-bol 30mg/day
12-15 d-bol 30mg/day or 11-15 turanaplex 50mg/day
1-(4-5 days before pct) HCG 250-500iu every 3-4 days
1-(pct) adex 0.5mg/day while on d-bol otherwise just 0.5mg eod

Always keep in mind that it is your diet that will dictate a successful cycle...although these dosages are moderate, with a well tuned diet you will make some nice gains... Check out the pct section and Vision's sticky on PCT, some of the very best pct info you will every read...good luck and if you have any more Q's post 'em up....gus.

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.
