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New Perspective On Finasteride+nandrolone

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OK FELLAS, iv been researching lately on an upcomming cycle. The plan was to use finasteride in my upcomming cycle, so i then researched everything i should know about what it would effect and how. I eventually learned that finasteride eleiminates the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, which converts Testosterone to its more highly androgenic counterpart DHT (and MPB worst enemy),,,later i found that the 5-alpha reductase enzyme converts nandrolone to DHN(which would be good for your hair;however,nandrolone isnt that bad either in comparison to DHT), which is a weaker androgen and anabolic substance than the former nandrolone,,,,this is what caught my eye and made me wonder a bit and came upon this question: Hairloss aside, supose i would use finasteride to block the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, and in turn i would be blocking the convertion of my nandrolone into a weaker androgen/anabolic substance (DHN),, would this potetiate the effects of the nandrolonbe i have taken due to more free nandrolone levels and less conversion? And how significant would this be to any more muscle growth in skelatal muscle ??

note the following results from taking finasteride in relation to what changes happen: test(fina. blocks conversion to DHT( stronger androgen/anabolic)=free test floating around
nandrolone(fina. blocks conversion to DHN( weaker androgen/anabolic)=more free nandrolone floating around

ok so we have this extra nandrolone floating around, does this get utilized in any way for maybe more muscle growth?? please clarifications/corrections would be awsome and appreciated

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if i remember correctly using any type of nan with finastride would/will accelerate hairloss, i will try and find the study.

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yea back to that gym myth,,,,,,running deca with finasteride will stop the conversion of nandrolone to the weaker androgen DHN,,,,by inhibiting the5-alpha reductase enzyme......thus instead of having DHN affecting your hair line, you would have the uneffected nandrolone effecting your hairline; either way Nandrolone or dhn will both effect your hairline minimally as they both are mild in comparision to DHT and Testosterone,,,so IMHO scientifically taking finas. and nandrolone together "does not accelorate hairloss in any way",,,yea sure DHN is millder androenically and thus easier on the scalp when you dont use finasteride;but, my point being even if you go ahead and use finasteride and block the 5-alpha reductase enzyme and in turn you are yielded simply with all the nandrolone that would have been converted around the body,,pertaining to hair its not a bad thing either way becasue nandrolone itself is still weak on the scalp(although not as weak as DHN),,its faaaar weaker on the scalp than dht and testosterone, using finas. or not with the nandrolone(so basically wouldnt casue problems on hair either using finas. or not as both end products are considered mild on the scalp, but if you reallly want to count pennies then you could saythe reduced form(not using finasteride) of nandrolone(DHN) is the less androgenic compound as should be used for those with mpb; whereas, unreduced nandrolone wouldnt casue any major problems with those with mpb either(as you would see with DHT,trebolone)

so its a little much to say USING FINASTERIDE WITH NANDROLONE WILL SPEED UP HAIRLOSS,,its a much more subtle issue with options

which brings me back to my original inquiries,,,,when i do use finasteride with nandrolone, all the nandrolone that was going to reduce to dhn but cant now due to the blockade of the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, now becames free nandrolone,,,what are the effects of this, esp. in realtion to increase use in skelatal muscle?? If i knew some conversion rates off hand itd be easier to make some predictions,,,but from reading everything iv read it seems to be a substantial amount of freed up nandrolone thus in theory finasteride could be a nandrolone potentiater, hmmm interesting..... feedback would be awsome and welcomed
