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Needed some help from experts here

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Well i know there are shit loads of threads already concerning clen and t3.... But i have a few questions and if anyone can help or has taken it id love to hear your opinions. Im currenly 5-11 220 and roughly 17-18% bodyfat been bulking and got alittle out of hand witht he cheating meals ect... I wanted to lean up a bit maybe get around 10-12% bf im not ready to get shredded yet feel i need more size..... Ok enough about me lol heres what i wanted to konw what type of diet do you have to be on while taking Clen..... ive read that it it allows you to burn fat without needing to be on a strict diet...... but at the same time i dont wanna eat to gain and the clen kinda of just keep me where im at know what im saying? And does it really help keep muscle while you just burn fat or is that just a myth ....... and last question...... t3 i dont know if im really a canadiate for that or not but i was told and ive read that at low doses 12.5-25mcg it can actually hlep in building muscle while getting ripped...... and its not enough to mess up your thyroid and not enough to realy burn muscle............. Get back to me guys i know this is long but id apprecate any good feed back thanks

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Forget the T3. Its not for u right now. If u want to run clen run it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off 100-150 mcg a day, I take 2 50 mcg dosages during the day. Clen is best when run on cycle. Best diet for cutting, in my opinion, is a high protien, low carb, mod fat diet....restrict your calories slightly, aim for 2 lbs a week loss, cardio done 3-4 times a week 30 minutes min. Workouts should still be intense, compound mass movements. Off weeks of clen, run ECA.

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Thanks for the reply i appreciate it....... so with the Clen do you think it can really hlep preserve muscle and you can just strictly burn fat? im just afraid of it making me thin know what im sayingl........ and what if you were to do this while eating more like not super high carb diet but enough to gain.... would clen just kinda of just help not put on any extra fat and keep you were your at? or can you grow and lean up together ......... .... and is there a need to taper off clen......

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I"m not a fan of T3 either although it does burn fat. Clen alone is fine IMO. You do need a strict diet to see good results. It is somewhat anti-catabolic but nothing amazing.I do run it during PCT as it doesn't hurt any. If you do use T3 always run it with gear as it will eat alot of muscle.

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Originally posted by princenas Thanks for the reply i appreciate it....... so with the Clen do you think it can really hlep preserve muscle and you can just strictly burn fat? im just afraid of it making me thin know what im sayingl........ and what if you were to do this while eating more like not super high carb diet but enough to gain.... would clen just kinda of just help not put on any extra fat and keep you were your at? or can you grow and lean up together ......... .... and is there a need to taper off clen...... There is no need to taper off clen. Carbs are the enemy. If u want to lose fat. Stop eating them. Period. They are not essencial. Raise your protien small meals continuously through out the day to maintain a possitve nitrogen balance, couple thsi with the "anti-catabolic" effects of the clen (and maybe gear) and u wone lose alot of muscle size. Just make sure u are calorie restricted, but not oveboard. Cardio should be done 8 hours after training, min....never before or after resistance training. And never in the morning on an empty stomach.

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and what about taking creatine with this......... like one without all those sugars..... would this help be gain while leaning up a bit or not gonna help much? just curious on what its effects would be since i konw creatine does tend to make you hold water..... and like i said before im not tryign to get super ripped... just around 10-12 so i can start bulking again but this time bulk a more conservative way putting on more quality weight...... i dont think i should ever let myself get over 15% bf again lol

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Don't write off carbs completely though, your workouts will suffer. I suggest you keep away from T3 for at least six more months of stricter (not strict, just stricter) dieting. Try these tips first: 1.) Never eat more than 400 calories at a time. 2.) Have at least 90 minutes between meals, more or less depending on how close to 400 you got during last meal. 3.) Eat your last meal 4 hours before bedtime, 4.) Drink more water, 5.) Double check your body-fat-percentage methods to make sure your test is accurate (most aren't) 6.) If you wake up to eat during the middle of the night, do not consume more than 200 calories and avoid fats. 7.) Try chromium picolonate (yeah I know, chromium picolonat eis another musclemag/mm2k/wal-mart/weider-piece-of-shit-supplement, sue me I like the stuff and it works for me!) Finally Relax, The bigger the cushion the sweeter the pushin'. The looser the waistband, the deeper the quicksand. Seriously though, 20% bodyfat is really not that bad!!! If you ever feel fat, just take a walk through your local wal-mart, and I guarentee you that feeling will go away.

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lolol good post APE that had me laughing ..........but what about taking clen with Creatine seems to be a good idea but want to know if anyones tried it or knows anyhting about it

Just a Pilgrim
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Get your diet down right and you will drop weight. You are looking for a magic pill. Sorry, clen and T3 can help but not if your diet isn't bang on the money.

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im not looking for a magic pill of course i know diet is like 80% of eveyrthing in this game...... but im asking about clen and creatine taken together what peoples thoughts are on that

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yes, clen has anti catabolic properties (burn fat,not muscle). & yes T-3 will stimulate protien synthesis as well as speed up your metabolism. i have never taken them together but have heard the combo is better than anything to lean out. i would do as you said- keep the dosage low , but i would still taper off.

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i just wonder if im a canadiate for taking t3 or if i should just try clen first alone....... never taken anything before im waiting to juice as long as i can ..... so do you think small doses of t3 would be good like 12.5 per day?? to help burn but also be able to build musce on it instead of it ripping me of muscle.......... and another thing creatine and clen....... ok to take together seems like it would be a goood idea to help me build any muslce i can with creatine while clen leans me out any opinions on that

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I would avoid T3, too risky IMO. I suppose creatine and clen would be OK.....Nothing amazing, but I dont think it would hurt. Whenever I run slin I run clen and creatine with it.

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You will crash coming off of T3. Everyone always does, and if u dont have the self control, and the knowledge base to navigate the 2 weeks after taking T3, u will look worse then u started. U also need to be on to run T3. The idea about taking creatine with clen, isnt a bad one. Its not going to kill u, and its not going to build muscle. Creatine fills your muscles with water, giving them the illusion of being bigger. This is good and bad while dieting. To take creatine u need to take in simple carbs....When im dieting I hate taking in any carbs, so I always drop the creatine. However it will work like mtex said and help preserve muscle tissue, but NOT like gear would. i would drop the creatine and go on a non bloating annabolic.

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Originally posted by littlewilly I suppose creatine and clen would be OK.....Nothing amazing, but I dont think it would hurt. Whenever I run slin I run clen and creatine with it. Ya but bro, u dont run slin, clen and creatine to cut. U run it to bulk.

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