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I used Nulbuphene last cycle when i got sore, but now I'm off of my cycle and im still useing it. Is there an easy why to kick the habit . I have 3 10ml 20mg bottles left and I cant keep my hands off of it, and Im about ready to order more. How can I stop being Depended on it???????????

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THrow the rest of your bottles out NOWWW!!!!!!! And try to keep yourself busy bro...I never been addicted to Bain or ever tried it but know some bro's who have...Instead of finding a way to let go of it...Just take the 3 bottles you have and smash them...COMEON GUYS LETS HELP THIS BRO OUT!

Eminent Member
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Posts: 26

Many Bros have been there. Other drugs maybe...but slaves never the less. You're a man. Be you're own man. Don't let some pussy drug push you around. Wanna be a little dependent fuck head? Can't look people in the eye cause yours are glassy? Lie cheat steal? How about being a hero instead....honest, strong, willing to put the hard work in. Someone your kids will be proud of....C'mon one of the best. Be the kinda guy that makes america a country of heros. Fuck that pussy drug Fuck that shit man! FUCK THAT SHIT! BE A MAN....FUCK THAT SHIT1

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Yeah, Nubain addiction is serious. Don't think that just because it is a "safer" opiate it is not addictive. I agree with the above. You need to just quit and don't look back. Don't try the tapering method; that just prolongs the inevitable. Destroy what you have and distance yourself from it. It may be hard at first but it will get easier by the day until one day when you won't crave it anymore. Good luck bro. Doc

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This isn't the place to talk about this. I understand you have a problem, and just throwing away the nubain is easier said than done. You could try posting in the talk to the mods forum and perhaps someone will give some advice. If you're truly addicted than, my advice is to see a doctor who specialized in this sort of thing. A simple doctor visit is worth saving years of addiction over.

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Thanks for the advice. I gave 2 bottles to my friend to get rid of, and i kept one after its gone i should be fine I HOPE?? I do feel like a junkie when lunch comes around ,and i poke myself and when I get Home, I sure am gonna miss that good relaxed feeling. A doctors visit is my last resort . As long as I have my Xanx's i should be able to kick the Nulbuphene crave, Thanks guys. I sure in the hell don't want to end up like my Buddie Dave Dearth. He was addicted to banging Coke and Nulbphene at the same time, and because of it lost everything.....

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you know whats funny about nubain? Its not even a controlled drug......anyways Ive taken that shit for pain and It makes me nauseous so its not very addictive to me.......been there with the percocet and vicodin thing to do man is just quit........get motivated and serious about a new workout plan, or starting a new cycle and just quit all the other bullshit

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Stay strong, don't let the xanax become a cross over addiction. I threw away 4 years on dope and did things that make me sick to think about now. You come out stronger than ever, but there is no easy way out. Congrats on recognizing your problem early, you just took the first step.

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Back in the day I loved any kind of downer type med. I can't even think about them now without doing the dry heaves, remembering much much I would do then run to the bathroom and make myself puke. Get rid of that 3rd bottle man. You are still clinging to the monkey on your shoulder. I know it's easier said than done. Good luck bro...........we're here if you need us

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Bro, if you have been taking that stuff for a while, you can't really stop cold turkey without going thru hell. Try this place if you run out of options. Fast, safe, and the prices are pretty good.

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get ultram and use it to get off the Nubain...

Mister Grim
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Search under my handle (or any of my older handles) for how to get off 'bain. Basiclly, if you're using A LOT of bain, you'll need to go to Temgesic for about 15 days, then go down to Ultram. If you're not using a lot of bain, you can probably just go to Ultram and maybe Klonopin(for the anxiety).
