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lowest effective dose of tren Acetate is ?

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I was prescribed for 2-3 cc of test 200 cyp...BUT way too much for me.

I get by GREAT with .6cc or about 120mg a week.

? for those who know more...

How much or LITTLE trenac.. can I take along with the test to have some results.... ???

I think I read earlier a guy did just abouot 50mg a week and noticed a big difference in strength and hardness.... is that feasible and for how long SAFELY?

I am 52 195(13%bf) and have a bjiujitsu tournament in 4 months.... I want to be a ripping 187 for the competition....much leaner n stronger.

I thought to try 50mg a week(with Test Prop at 100mg/wk) in eod divided doses... along with some b vitimans... this month....to see its effect ... and adjust the month before the tournament...

What do You who know think

also anything I need to do in addition to combat sides or after stoppingl.



Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 1450

i doubt that 50mg/week would do much. perhaps 25mg eod at the very minium. We used to get good results at 75mg eod back in the day. I doubt you will need anything to combat the sides.

btw, Tren A and prop is definitely the way to lean out and get stronger. seems like a lot of prop to a little of tren.

