liquidex and dbol ?...
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liquidex and dbol ???'s I have a theory

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hey bros, **DISCLAIMER** I am not claiming to be the first person to think of this, but I haven't seen the question or theory asked here goes: I read somewhere a little while back that someone was taking liquidex with Dbol, and they weren't making any gains... obviously most gains from dbol are water....but yes it does build actual muscle since they were taking liquidex and weren't blowing up like crazy.. the gains they were making were actual muscle tissue perhaps? Since Dbol and EQ are almost the same chemical with different esters...would it make dbol work in a similar fashion as EQ? Just a question...thanks bros

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i've used dbol 25mg 2x a day with .5 mg of Arimidex and blew up got vascular skin ripping pumps. It's probably the best/strongest i've looked or felt. Of coarse I was using test and eq at 6oomg each. Maybe that has something to do with it.

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Yes many users get less weight gain when they stack dbol and a-dex. Much less bloat. Of course always run dbol with test.

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ip has been telling guys that bitch about his anavar to do dbol, arimi for a few years..

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Okay bros.. a couple more questions... okay since most of the gains lost post cycle from dbol..are probably the massive amount of water you usually retain (at least thats what I am thinking.... 1. would you keep the gains from the arimi and dbol since you probably wouldn't retain any water? The gains would at least to appear more keepable, right? I know alot of gains people "lose" post cycle are from water loss....... 2. What would be the proper way to run them together? MY IDEA......after running tren for appx 8 weeks 90mg EOD...I was going to run 10-15 mg dbol ED with clomid and arimi to finish up and make myself look the best possible...I know dbol will supposedly shut you down...but I have read on the board that if you keep a low dbol dose it will actually kick start you with the clomid etc after the tren...because catabolic hormones will ravage you after tren gets out of the ol' system... THANKS IN ADVANCE BROS!

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well yea it sounds logical, the adex or letro will keep down the bloat and the resulting gains would be solid, hypertrophy. blackninja.

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Bet it up then bro! If it works....I'll let yall know! If it doesn't...I still let yall know! LOL

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Originally posted by scarecrow999 Okay bros.. a couple more questions... okay since most of the gains lost post cycle from dbol..are probably the massive amount of water you usually retain (at least thats what I am thinking.... 1. would you keep the gains from the arimi and dbol since you probably wouldn't retain any water? The gains would at least to appear more keepable, right? I know alot of gains people "lose" post cycle are from water loss....... 2. What would be the proper way to run them together? MY IDEA......after running tren for appx 8 weeks 90mg EOD...I was going to run 10-15 mg dbol ED with clomid and arimi to finish up and make myself look the best possible...I know dbol will supposedly shut you down...but I have read on the board that if you keep a low dbol dose it will actually kick start you with the clomid etc after the tren...because catabolic hormones will ravage you after tren gets out of the ol' system... THANKS IN ADVANCE BROS! Keeping gains is just about proper PCT, although deca and tren make your shut down longer lasting in my experience. The best way would be to run tren, prop and DBol all together, the Dbol in the last 6 weeks if you want to look your best. Calculate how many mg a week DBOl you take, and this to the weekly amount of prop. For every 500mg of aromatisable use 0.25mg Adex ED. I have used Dbol with 1-2g of test and with Adex it is very cosmetic.

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okey doke durabolin, will do! Thanks bro!

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You understand I meant 8 weeks of prop and tren, DBol the last 6 right? As tren and prop and an oral are gone very quickly out of your body, start HCG a few days after your last shot. This way 3-4 days after you finish the cycle when you have no AAS in your system and would crash, your balls are already getting back. Continue the HCG for 7 more days, using 100mg of clomid throughout the HCG, then 50mg for 30 days after.
