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libido issues

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I have completed my pct from my recent cycle, and still dont have much of a libido. My sex drive is not what it was before. How long does it take to get back to normal? My pct was 40/40/20/10 nolva, with igf-1/pegmgf/insulin throughout as well.
My aas cycle was:

1-10 40mg eod Tren Ace
1-14 50mg eod Test Prop

During cycle the tren completely shut down my libido by week 4.

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Re: libido issues

Posted by: door
I have completed my pct from my recent cycle, and still dont have much of a libido. My sex drive is not what it was before. How long does it take to get back to normal? My pct was 40/40/20/10 nolva, with igf-1/pegmgf/insulin throughout as well.
My aas cycle was:

1-10 40mg eod tren ace
1-14 50mg eod test prop

During cycle the tren completely shut down my libido by week 4.

It can take months with some men all depends on how much your nuts shrunk.
Next time take HCG at 500iu's every other day in the last two weeks of the cycle.....or take it at 250-500iu's every few days the entire cycle.
This stuff mimics LH and makes your nuts work even while on they don't shrink.

But no doubt your sex drive was through the roof during the cycle with the it has to go down want it back to where is was before your started the cycle.

For now...try 20 of nolva for a couple more weeks.


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Yes me too tren shut me down bad ;after pct it took a couple of months ;but i have found that my libido now is much better than prior to AAS use (as long as i keep AAS minimal if; at all ;Tren was the most potent AAS i have ever used it took seconds off my kilo time and increased gym work weights--squats etc ;i learned how to use it correctly for performance;but it was so potent it scares me)If they asked me to do a kilo contest for big bucks in a prelim i would use it again ,otherwise no.MAD

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I did take hcg for four weeks before started pct. I took 1000iu eod for a week which barely did anything, then another 500iu eod 3x week for 3wks. Nuts never returned back to normal size, but it did help abit. Now nuts are normal, and i feel good, and recovered but my libido is not. Masterbating is like a choar, and its abit better with my girl friend, but i dont seem get it fully hard sometimes.

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try some trib that may help but you have to take more than the recomeded dose helps me.

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Posted by: madtrack
Yes me too tren shut me down bad ;after pct it took a couple of months ;but i have found that my libido now is much better than prior to AAS use (as long as i keep AAS minimal if; at all ;Tren was the most potent AAS i have ever used it took seconds off my kilo time and increased gym work weights--squats etc ;i learned how to use it correctly for performance;but it was so potent it scares me)If they asked me to do a kilo contest for big bucks in a prelim i would use it again ,otherwise no.MAD

Mad, can you alaberate on the use of Tren a little further?

The reason I ask is I do endurance cycles of Test only. A BB freind of mine uses Tren and when I ask him what he thinks about me trying it, he just says "oh no, you don't want to try that, it'll be too strong for you". (I do Triathlon btw)

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Looks like you only ran your SERM for 4 weeks. I have found I do better running it 6-8 weeks after a cycle. I'm on week 6 of PCT right now and just starting to feel a little more Horny. Do as RG says and run a few more weeks with the nolva.

Usually weeks 3 and 4 after a cycle are when I feel the worst for some reason.

Dr. Chrisler is giving a talk on Sermorelin at the A4M National convention in December so he isnt giving out a bunch of Information before then.

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I dont have anymore nolva.

I am planning on going back on a cycle in 4 weeks, but that would only give me 2 months off between cycles. Is that to short?

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Posted by: madspin
Mad, can you alaberate on the use of Tren a little further?

The reason I ask is I do endurance cycles of Test only. A BB freind of mine uses Tren and when I ask him what he thinks about me trying it, he just says "oh no, you don't want to try that, it'll be too strong for you". (I do Triathlon btw)

I used Tren ace 75mg E/3 day I also used tren hex 150mg P/W if i remember correctly.It can cause breathlessness so i used AM of day before training and breathing was ok;also other sides can be a prob ;insomnia etc.M/track

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So I take it this wouldn't be a good choice for the Endurance athlete?

Sorry to get away from the subect here guys.

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il be able to let you know how well tren hex works and what the sides are like in a few weeks.

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From my experience with tren, I will never touch the stuff again. Although it did send my power through the ruff.

bump for my question above.

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Posted by: door
I dont have anymore nolva.

I am planning on going back on a cycle in 4 weeks, but that would only give me 2 months off between cycles. Is that to short?

I believe the conventional wisdom is time off = time on +pct, so going by that your starting back to early. Having said that, I only stayed off 6 weeks between my last two cycles and seem to recover ok this time. The safe bet is to do time on + PCT but you will probably be ok doing shorter. Either way you choose, Id try to get my hands on some more nolva or clomid and run it a few more weeks, especially if you decide to go back on in a 4 weeks.

Dr. Chrisler is giving a talk on Sermorelin at the A4M National convention in December so he isnt giving out a bunch of Information before then.
