LBM before vacation...
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LBM before vacation!

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Hey guys! Whats up! Ok I have a few weeks (8 +) I go away for the 1st of the year! yea! I am now pretty lean at the moment but would like to add some lean body mass while not icreasing my body fat b/c I would like to have abs!~ This is much different than what I am use to doing, which is bulking for 12 weeks with heavy androgens and then next cutting up. What do you guys think would be a good light cycle to increase muscle mass while dieting? 1) EQ and primobolan for 10 weeks? 2) prop and winny for 8 weeks 3) or combos of these Next Question! What about a female new to the sauce and want an edge to get lean I thought 10 mg of OX and clen would be good for her. Maybe a little EQ and/or Winny LION

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i would go with the prop and winny for 8 weeks bro thats what i want to do myself

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Fina, propinate, and winny.

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Fina,EQ,and prop.

Dirk Diggler
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fina, winny, prop.

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So if I were to use the prop and the winny how would I want to run them. I was thinking 6 weeks of prop 100mg every other day then 4 weeks of winny 50 a day or 100 EOD or maybe just 50 EOD. LION

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Posts: 26

what i would do and I am is 200mg prop EOD with winny a shot ED, prop for 6 weeks then continue the prop with the winny at week 6-10
