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Just Susta cycle

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I only have several amps of sust 250 handly, I'm low on money to stack with something else.

How would be a good cycle with this huge amount (good for up to 1 gram/week) that I a have? Include number of weeks, if frontloading, etc.

Remember that I have two cycles UNDER my belt:

1st cycle:

Test Cypionate @ 200 mg for 8 weeks.

2nd cycle:

Weeks 1-2: Test Cyp@ 200 mg/week and deca 100 mg/week.
Weeks 3-4: Test Cyp @ 300 mg/week and Deca 150 mg/week.
Weeks 5-6: Test Cyp @ 400 mg/week and Deca 200 mg/week.
Weeks 7-8: Test Cyp @ 500 mg/week and Deca 250 mg/week.
Weeks 9-10: Test Cyp @ 600 mg/week and Deca 300 mg/week.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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I would wait and save it until you have money for a decent stack, maybe D-bol for 2 weeks front loading, and I would do EOD at smaller doses, you need to regulate your blood levels. Maybe winstrol for the last 2 weeks to keep gains while you taper off. The orals may be a little cheaper than the oils

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what are your goals for the cycle? Perhaps i could get off my butt and make this more interesting!


Seabiscuit Hogg
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Yeah. What are your goals and how much sus are we talking about?

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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Re: Just Susta cycle

Posted by: guijr
I only have several amps of Sust 250 handly, I'm low on money to stack with something else.

How would be a good cycle with this huge amount (good for up to 1 gram/week) that I a have? Include number of weeks, if frontloading, etc.

Remember that I have two cycles on my belt:

1st cycle:

Test Cypionate @ 200 mg for 8 weeks.

2nd cycle:

Weeks 1-2: Test Cyp @ 200 mg/week and Deca 100 mg/week.
Weeks 3-4: Test Cyp @ 300 mg/week and Deca 150 mg/week.
Weeks 5-6: Test Cyp @ 400 mg/week and Deca 200 mg/week.
Weeks 7-8: Test Cyp @ 500 mg/week and Deca 250 mg/week.
Weeks 9-10: Test Cyp @ 600 mg/week and Deca 300 mg/week.

now on 500 mg poliesteron (susta).

dr frankenstein

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Sorry for not giving more info.

I'm doing susta at 250 mg/week for Testosterone replacement therapy purposes.

Right now my weight is 229.30 pounds (104 kilos).

I'm 6 feet and 4 inches (1.92 meters) tall (ectomorph).

My waistline is 2 feet and 12 inches (91 centimeters).

Body fat is 16.34% which is not a big deal. My goal is to drop it to 10-7%.

Total calories: 3700 kcal/day.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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JB and SBH, mass and low body fat in the vein of Frank Zane and Bill Pearl.

JB, I can imagine what are you talking about, and it sounds like fun!

SB, I'm talking about sus up to 1 to 1.5 grams per week for up to 20 weeks if it's necessary.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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man I would think 500-750mg would be more than enough for you, for 12 weeks.

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way too much test there my friend. what you really want to do is a cutting cycle with enough test to try to maintain an anabolic state.Keep it under a gram a week, get some yohimbe HCL and maybe some amour thyroid. Add in some mystery anabolic we will discuss! and cut your calories. Frank Zane never goes over 1800 calories nowadays. You are most likely going to have to cut out 1000 calories per day but can start at a higher calorie level initially and see how it works out. cardio cardio cardio!


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Posted by: jboldman
cardio cardio cardio!


It's easier said than done for most bodybuilders. IMO, there are so many, many benefits of a good cardio program that it should be included in every cycle..........ESPECIALLY A BULKING CYCLE when your intake of fats and cholesterol will probably be higher than normal.

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Posted by: Wheelies
It's easier said than done for most bodybuilders. IMO, there are so many, many benefits of a good cardio program that it should be included in every cycle..........ESPECIALLY A BULKING CYCLE when your intake of fats and cholesterol will probably be higher than normal.

Hey W, I can imagine your expertise in that area and I'm sure you can post some good cardio samples when one is cutting or bulking, could you please start a new thread? Thanks in advance bro.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Posted by: jboldman
way too much test there my friend. what you really want to do is a cutting cycle with enough test to try to maintain an anabolic state.Keep it under a gram a week, get some yohimbe HCL and maybe some amour thyroid. Add in some mystery anabolic we will discuss! and cut your calories. Frank Zane never goes over 1800 calories nowadays. You are most likely going to have to cut out 1000 calories per day but can start at a higher calorie level initially and see how it works out. cardio cardio cardio!


OK, let me know if I got it:

a) Enough test is susta at 750 mg/week?

b) I can get Yohimbe HCL (human grade) brand name Yomax (5.4 mg/tab box with 60 tabs). How much and when to use it? Also I was thinking about add in some efedrine (15 mg), cafeine (550 mg) and baby aspirin (100 mg).

c) Why use Armour instead of T3 or even T4? And what's the protocol to use?

d) Roger that for the precious secret . How many weeks should it be run? And could it be used just at the end of the cycle? Oh, by the way, how long should the cycle last?

e) The Frank Zane that you are talking in a metaphorical way is you right? So you don't go over 1800 kcal/day, god you are a brave guy to eat that less!

f) Will cut the calories after a couple of weeks.

g) Will do cardio at least 4 times a week.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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gui, i do not have time to answer now, am off to climb a mountian but make sure this gets bumped and i will answer all.


Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 455

I've got an opinion on some of these. 750 mgs is enough. I don't use thermogenics anymore. If you don't use thermogenics go with T3, if you do go with t4.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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Posted by: guijr
OK, let me know if I got it:

a) Enough test is susta at 750 mg/week?


b) I can get Yohimbe HCL (human grade) brand name Yomax (5.4 mg/tab box with 60 tabs). How much and when to use it? Also I was thinking about add in some efedrine (15 mg), cafeine (550 mg) and baby aspirin (100 mg).

<<[b] the tabs are fine, start at 2 tabs and work up to four tabs .5 tabs at a time, eg 2tabs, 3.5 tabs, 3 tabs... 20mg is pretty close to the max and you wnat to work up slowly. take the yhcl 15 min prior to cardio along with the caffeine (start w/200mg). take on empty stomach. As soon as you eat, the effect of the yohimbe will be zeroed out by the insulin. I would NOT take the eph/aspirin until later. you need to start low and slow with this

c) Why use Armour instead of T3 or even T4? And what's the protocol to use?

<<armour is a mixture of natural T3/t4 and many report better effect without the peaks and troughs. that would include me

d) Roger that for the precious secret . How many weeks should it be run? And could it be used just at the end of the cycle? Oh, by the way, how long should the cycle last?

<< cutting in general should not be run during pct, if you are doing a cutting cycle, go for it. you can essentially do this with concern for extnded periods of time

e) The Frank Zane that you are talking in a metaphorical way is you right? So you don't go over 1800 kcal/day, god you are a brave guy to eat that less!

<< actually i was talking about the real frank zane. i purchased some tapes from him many years ago and he shared this with me. I can only eat about 2kCalories or i start to gainweight depending on my cardio state but remember, i am much older than most with the infamous slowed metabolic rate.

f) Will cut the calories after a couple of weeks.

<< good

g) Will do cardio at least 4 times a week.

<< that sounds good, i like to combine organized cardio with outdoor activities, eg climbing mt. monadnock yesterday

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