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hey fellas.
I have been on Tren A going on 1 month now. I'm pinning 50mg every 3rd day. I have great results from it too, and have 5 weeks left till the end of this cycle. So, I've not had any bad sides from it either,"so far". No sweats, cough, and my sex drive has'nt been hurt either, which I am pinning 500mg test e with it, so that will probably keep my sex drive up. I'm not using Cabaser , but I am using 25mg of proviraplex ED.
Am I just lucky not to have the bad sides with the tren & has anyone else used it with no bad effects?

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Have you used it before? How is your strength?

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Well everyone reacts differently, that goes without are doing a very moderate dose though and getting results, right on. Sides are dose dependent with most if not all AAS. The real answer to your question probably lies within a combination of how your body responds to tren (very well) and the moderate dose that you are taking. It is possible that if you bump it up to 100mg eod the insomnia will set in and also the night sweats but then again they may not.

in any case you are a good example of how one can grow on moderate doses...i bet your diet and training are pretty good, nice work. Now stay focused.

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.

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I would bump up my Tren dose until sides kick in... then back it off to find your dose without sides....


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


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Posted by: Visions
I would bump up my Tren dose until sides kick in... then back it off to find your dose without sides....

yeah i really like that idea, especially with the ace. but if youre going to do that, run the cabaser along with it from day one. im on tren e now, and i kinda regret it. 4th week at 400mg/wk, and its not as much fun as when i ran the ace.

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Posted by: RONIN321
yeah i really like that idea, especially with the ace. but if youre going to do that, run the cabaser along with it from day one. im on tren e now, and i kinda regret it. 4th week at 400mg/wk, and its not as much fun as when i ran the ace.

Tren E took 6 weeks for me to feel it... I didn't like it at all...I prefer Tren D


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


Asking me where to buy or anything about purchasing steroids will first get you a warning then banning if that type of questioning continues... No exceptions! Don't even joke about it!

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Posted by: Visions
Tren E took 6 weeks for me to feel it... I didn't like it at all...I prefer Tren D

im tren a from now on

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Posted by: Visions
Tren E took 6 weeks for me to feel it... I didn't like it at all...I prefer Tren D

really? my last run with tren e was great, although i really like the tri tren combo but tren e for me allows me to run a lower dose and get better results, i know its weird but i have run upwards of 100mgs ED of ace and then run just 300mgs of eth a week and the results were pretty simliar, although the ace gave me better strength gains and fat loss right away, i guess like everything else its person dependant

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Ok if he's getting great results from it why would you increase the dose till you get sides??? That's just dumb. You don't want to have side effects start. I've never had bad sides from Tren. We all react differently to gear so the fact that you haven't had any is good. If you are getting results then just keep going with it.

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Posted by: Jinx
hey fellas.
I have been on tren A going on 1 month now. I'm pinning 50mg every 3rd day. I have great results from it too, and have 5 weeks left till the end of this cycle. So, I've not had any bad sides from it either,"so far".No sweats, cough, and my sex drive has'nt been hurt either, which I am pinning 500mg test e with it, so that will probably keep my sex drive up. I'm not using cabaser , but I am using 25mg of proviraplex ED.
Am I just lucky not to have the bad sides with the tren & has anyone else used it with no bad effects?

I've run Tren in 2 cycles with no bad sides, 1st cycle with Tren E and the second time with Tren A. Its one of my favorites.
Tren E made me sweat at night alot and in my 10 wks. on it got the
Tren cough twice, freaked me out the first time. Never got it with Tren A.
