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Just got results of blood work and HDL is low

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The doctor didn't see any problems with the blood work. Except my cholesterol.
He is concerned and asked if I had any idea why the HDL dropped from 61 down to 21?

I am starting my 4th week of a AAs cycle so I know why its low, but i didn't tell him that.

Tyroid TSH 1.243

Total Colesterol was 147

triglycerides 95

HDL 21


LDL cal: 107, Estimated CHD Risk 1.4 high.

Hemoglobin 13.6

My hematocrit is 40.0%

MCV 92

MCH 31.2

MCHC 33.9

RDW 13.9

WBC 8.3 x10e3/uL

RBC 4.34 x10e3/uL

Thyroid TSH 1.243...........normal


Neutrophils (absolut) 6.1

Lymphs 16

What is platelets?

Prostate-specific AG, Serum .6 low...good

Bunch of there shit that means nothing to me.

What can I do to raise my HDL? I already exercise a shitload?

Plus I'm going to start an EPO cycle in 3 weeks to coinside with 7th week of AAS cycle. Does any one who knows see any info here that6 I should be worried about?



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600 mg Test Cyp wk
400 mg deca wk
50 mg var oral ed
50 mg winny inj ed
HGH 2.0 iu 5 day on 2 off
IGF .12 5 day on 2 off one month on one month off

Test and dec is split into 2 doses a week

And I'm one horny MF'r

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Platelets are irregularly-shaped, colorless bodies that are present in blood. Their sticky surface lets them, along with other substances, form clots to stop bleeding 400 top of normal 440 is just a bit high its not just one reading is the picture of all the results paint

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winstrol depot grat gear Bro. BUT it will raise bad cholest very quickly;but it will drop very soon after u stop using it.I have had same . M/track

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How much GH are you taking?

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Damn you are going to be a beast. 1 gram (I am assuming you meant mgs rather than mls or you'd be dead) of gear a week plus orals. OMG!

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2.0.iu's....I use one 10 iu vial of jintropin a week. 2.0 iu 5 days then 2 days off. I'm almost out of jintropin so I ordered Blue top HGH, I hear it's just as good, alot cheaper, just not a pure or clean.

Welts here i come.


lol Yea mg not ml; my wifes almost home from work and I'm so horney I can't think straight.

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How do you like the Jintropin? I am using Kalpatropin and it is great but PRICEY!! I think my next few kits will be Jintropin.

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I like the jintropin but I thought it was pricey.

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Kalpatropin $1200 for 126 units.

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holy cranked up cookies!


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I use bluetops, it is same as jintropin (just a different label) --no welts.M/track

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I'm almost out of jintropin and i'm switching to blue tops, glad to hear your not getting welts. I had a couple from jintropin, not many.

What's your dose of blue top? Are you going every day? How many months in a row?

I'm usin IGF as well. I'm about 5 weeks in on HGH and two weeks on IGf.

I heard IGF quits working after a month so it better to go on then off. After a month off it starts working again. swat I heard.

I wonder if HGH saturates anything and quits working over time?


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5 kits = $1650 (minimum order)
10 kits = $3200 ($100 discount)
20 kits = $6300
50 kits = $15000
100 kits (10000 IU) = $26000

that's what Gensci (the makers of jintropin) is selling it for. Unless the email I got was a scam...Got to be careful.

$330 for 100iu or $33 for one (who would buy just 10iu but some suppliers sell it that way)) Just have to scrape together $1650

I'm not allowed to post links but pm me if you want it.

Sorry about the $'s I'm a yank
