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Joint pain help?

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I gotta question someone might be able to help me with. About 3 weeks into the cycle. Having some joint pain problem and I can't quite pin point why. I'm doing 750mg/week test enanthate, 400/week tren, 100-150 mg a day sustanon.

I'm running a little Arimidex on and off as needed. When I stopped the Arimidex the joint pain dissapeared. I figure the extra Estrogen helped the joints. I have no nipple tenderness. The joint pain then came back even while off the arimidex??

I can't pin point the cause. Too much estrogen? Too little? Wrong dose of Arimidex? Wrong to use Arimidex altogether? Is this a side of the sustanon? I've ran it before at 50mg/day and never had a problem. Something different altogether?? I don't have a history of joint pain. What do you think? Thanks.

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What joints hurt?

And think for a while if your poundages (intensity and volume as well) are getting big too soon, joints need some time in order to adapt to heavy heavy loads.

Lastly, people use sustanon in my country for pain relieve purposes.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Originally posted by guijr

"And think for a while if your poundages (intensity and volume as well) are getting big too soon, joints need some time in order to adapt to heavy heavy loads."

Bump that !

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Posted by: guijr
What joints hurt?

And think for a while if your poundages (intensity and volume as well) are getting big too soon, joints need some time in order to adapt to heavy heavy loads.

Lastly, people use sustanon in my country for pain relieve purposes.

So it can't be the sustanon.

The joints effected are mostly shoulder and to a lesser degree elbows. I have been ramping up the poundages quite a bit.

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Posted by: guijr
What joints hurt?

And think for a while if your poundages (intensity and volume as well) are getting big too soon, joints need some time in order to adapt to heavy heavy loads.

Lastly, people use sustanon in my country for pain relieve purposes.

Just what I was about to say. You get strong so damn fast on sustanon injury to joint and tendon is not uncommon with this aas.

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Posted by: firepower
So it can't be the sustanon.

The joints effected are mostly shoulder and to a lesser degree elbows. I have been ramping up the poundages quite a bit.

Just my experience, but maybe you may try some internal and (specially) external rotation with a dumbbell, rubber band or cable, go light weight, but go for the burn, 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps, 2 to 3 times per week, after bench press day, back day and shoulder day. On a side note, but no offence here, whenever I train in the big gyms in the US, I never see the big guys doing the aforementioned exercises.

Protect your body (shoulder, elbows etc.) with proper and warm clothes, and never let them get wet and cold.

For your elbows, maybe you can try 2 warm-up-sets of 15 to 20 sets of triceps pushdowns (done unilaterally).

After working out, try some light stretching for a count of 60 for each exercise.

Maybe 9 grams (in divided doses) of omega-3 would also help.

Good luck and please let us know if the problem subsides.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 1450

cut out the sustanon and the pain will go away! thats a lot of sustanon to use in this cycle imo.

