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Joint Pain

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I have read deca is joint friendly. What others are good for joint pain and which ones should you stay away from if you have joint problems?

I have had joint pain since I have been about 20 years old and I will turn 38 this month. I live in a very cold climate in the winter and it is hard just to get a good workout in during the cold months due to joint pain.

Chondroitin/Glucosamine/MSM seems to do little to nothing.


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Stay away from winny it will dry your joints out, Deca is not bad, Test is good with the joints because you carry more water it helps with the lifts.

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ur joints could be worse with taking test. thats y u take deca eq or primo or something like that... test acctually puts more weight on ur joints and tendons and ligaments because of the extra weight and mass u gain puttng pressure on the joints. so to keep em lubed up u take deca. but also growth to a direct spot to where the pain might help.. and if u really wanna do it the right way. a cortizone shot to the effected area or where ur pain is coming from will heal that shoulder and completely take that pain away. trust me i know. i strained my rear hamstring and pulled it all up. i got a shot right there in teh back leg and i was fine 2 days later. so best thing to do for ur joint pain if u havent ever is just go to the doc get a cotizone shot.

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Buy some Alflutop. It does wonders to painful joints and tendonitis. A cycle of 21 amps (1 daily IM) will do the trick.

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its not that simple... depends on the injury / disease... cortisone might help but to say it heals for sure is not accurate.. in many cases the cortisone shot only relieves symptoms temporarily..

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whats in alfutop?

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Here you go all the info you need thx to Cyphon

This post was modified 4 years ago by Admin

Somewhere out there, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max squat
Fuck Gravity!!!

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Posted by: swoledude18
ur joints could be worse with taking test. thats y u take deca eq or primo or something like that... test acctually puts more weight on ur joints and tendons and ligaments because of the extra weight and mass u gain puttng pressure on the joints. so to keep em lubed up u take deca. but also growth to a direct spot to where the pain might help.. and if u really wanna do it the right way. a cortizone shot to the effected area or where ur pain is coming from will heal that shoulder and completely take that pain away. trust me i know. i strained my rear hamstring and pulled it all up. i got a shot right there in teh back leg and i was fine 2 days later. so best thing to do for ur joint pain if u havent ever is just go to the doc get a cotizone shot.

Interesting read bro, I see your point, when I do a test only cycle though the joint injuries I have feel 100% percent better than when I am off..Is this just pyschosematic or does extra water really help with the pain...would be interested in your response...

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No the increased water retention does help. That why some ppl like the extra bloat with drol to help for that exact reason.

Somewhere out there, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max squat
Fuck Gravity!!!

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equpoise,anavar,primo and deca will all lubricate your joints. winny will definately dry your joints out. glucosimine supplements dont work fast enough (usually takes about 6 weeks to notice anything). remember the stronger you get while on aas the more stress you put on your joints.
