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Instructions for making ORAL Liquid DBOL?

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Lots of great info guys, thanks. I've seen a few different posts regarding instructions for making liquid Dbol, but there were differences by maybe 1 or 2 ml's, which is more than I want to give. Call me picky. I have 25g of Dbol and what I want to do is make 10mg / ML doses. What exactly do I need? Specific syringes, bottles, and sources of these products (not the powders, but sources of the vials and whatever else) And after I've successfully created my 10mg / ML product, how should I administer it? I'd like to take it 5 times per day in 10 mg doses. Should I shoot it into some type of gelcap? Does a 1ml spray / spritzer exist? Or do I just take the good ol syringe and aim it in my mouth? Stupid question, but I am curious! Thanks again for the info in advance.

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You are going to need exactly 2500 ml of pure USP propylene glycol ( find at your local beef/cow supply store as its used to treat ketosis in cows ). Find a bottle or jar which will hold your solution, or you could do this. In jar, put warmed propylene glycol say abour 750 mls, add your 25 g of dbol, stir, stir stir until dissolved. Get secondary jar or bottle with capacity for entire 2500 mls, and top it up with your 750 mls from above ( containing powder, and add enough additional prop glycol to make 2500 ml, then stir well, and divide into smaller holding vessels of your choice. The best way to take would be, with a syringe to measure, and squirt into your mouth, warning, keep a chaser on hand as this tastes like shit. You don't need vials for this, maybe you could use some old medicine bottles, or bottles with droppers.

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Thanks man! Also, I've read that Everclear (95% alcohol) could be used. Based on what you said, I assume I could make a smaller batch using 5gram DB + 500 ml Prop Glycol = 10mg / ML - 500ml ? In terms of syringes, what's the best to use to squirt into mouth? 1 ml is pretty small... and want to be accurate, since I'll be taking this 5 times a day. :smiliedro

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Keeping your solution dilute is best say 10 mg per ml, this will allow some error. I'd go 10 mg or 1 ml 3-5 times a day. Going more dilute like 5 mg per ml, may be an option if you have acces to 3 ml syringes. Tylenol for children has a nifty dropper at 1.5 ml total volume. You could buy a few, empty them put and refill, use the dropper to administer.

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bro FYI the only reason guys use such high levels of glycerine is for taste only..............glycerine can get expensive too.........i just suspended 25grms of b-bol and 10 grams of nolvy in 151.........tastes like shit but it im lying i made it 95% 151 to 5%glycerine....

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Thanks again for your responses; A couple of final questions and I'm done: Everything mixed well, and I'm currently storing it in the fridge... is this a good idea? That is, I have 500ml total mixed and each time I take it I just use the good ol' baby syringe and pop the disgusting mixture in my mouth... Finally, does a sprayer/spritzer exist that sprays exactly (or at least nearly) 1ml / 1cc? This would be a hell of a lot more convenient than what I'm doing above with the baby syringe... Thanks...

The Truth
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You don't need to refrigerate. Just use the syringe to measure out a dose--you're not gonna find a spritzer that squirts out 1 mL at a time.

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I used PG to completley suspend Anadrol and Dbol at 25mg/ML.. it totally suspends in the solution.
