Injections; drawing...
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Injections; drawing back on the plunger?

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Hey i got a question for you guys. You know how you are supposed to draw back on the plunger to check for blood? well, a lot of times i do not. and yeah yeah i know it is proper protocol but sometimes i do not. what would happen if you did inject 3ml of juice into a vein? i heard you can dye or some shit but is there any truth to it? I have had times where blood just drained or even spurted out of my quad where i usually inject. your quad is a LOT veiner and shit so i know i have to be more careful there. i figure this is just me passing "through" a vein, not injecting into it right. I have done many cycles and i have never had a prob but i was just curious what you guys know could happen or if you know anyone that has done it with bad consequences. Thanks, SLASH

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"aspirating" that's what it's called...I hardly ever do it in the quads...if your gonna hit a vessel, you'll see it in the syringe, cuz the pressure from a vessel with fill it quickly...but veins are soooo small that it's almost impossible to inject "into" but easy to go "thru." VG

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Ditto for Vanilla. I gotta agree that the whole aspirating thing is a bit overblown. Sure its a good habit, but its definitely not going to kill ya if you forget to do either. holyintellect

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The pressure in a vein is not enough to push its way into a syringe. Now an artery is another matter. Your blood pressure is from the arteries, not your veins. People can and do end up in the hospital because they failed to aspirate. I'm horrible with names so I won't even try to spell his name, but one famous pro ended up in the hospital not long ago because he injected in a vein. And it would have been a small vein because pros normally don't synthol their glutes. He was sick enough that the first reports were that he had died. I would have injected 5cc's into a vein once if I had not aspirated. Might not have died, but would have been very sick for a while. I'm simply not prepared to take a chance and die. To each his own, however.

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I agree with mosiac. Why risk your LIFE over an injection. There is NO guessing when you have a needle in your leg. One little air bubble in the syringe will go straight to your heart and DEATH can occur within minutes. Be carefull--why risk it.

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Originally posted by mosaic The pressure in a vein is not enough to push its way into a syringe. Now an artery is another matter. Your blood pressure is from the arteries, not your veins. People can and do end up in the hospital because they failed to aspirate. I'm horrible with names so I won't even try to spell his name, but one famous pro ended up in the hospital not long ago because he injected in a vein. And it would have been a small vein because pros normally don't synthol their glutes. He was sick enough that the first reports were that he had died. I would have injected 5cc's into a vein once if I had not aspirated. Might not have died, but would have been very sick for a while. I'm simply not prepared to take a chance and die. To each his own, however. That was Milos Scarcev bro, and he injected synthol into a vein in his tricep. And Arned, you are right about the air killing you, but it actually takes quite a bit like a whole syringe full not just a little bubble. If you ever had an IV in the hospital, you'll notice that they let a few air bubbles into your vein while hooking up a bag of saline.

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I've injecting straight in. I was doing my delt shots and did aspirate, but I was watching Frasier on TV and I moved the pin without realising. I did the shots before bed around 10:30pm and could not sleep until around 4:30am - my heart rate went high, sweating, throbbing head ache from my "boom boom" of my pulse and feeling little a sick. So another leason - watch the hell you are doing!
