Injection Site swol...
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Injection Site swollen

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My friend took a shot of Winnie 100 7 days ago and now his ass is red and swollen. It hurts to touch it. Is this possibly a infection and if so should he wait it out? Also since this happened can he drink the winnie with the same results?

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Is he running a fever? Yes. U can drink it.

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No, hes not runing a fever or showing any signs of sickness.. but his ass really hurts and is hot to the touch is he absorbtion rate just as high if you drink it?

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How was his injection procedure? 7 days is a pretty long time to be sore. I've had lumps for over a week before but not that much pain.

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No, oraly it is marginaly less effective, as it passes throught the liver 1 extra time...but for piece of mine and no water based shots..i would drink it everytime out of the gate myself.

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tell him to get some Motren 800 and take 2 every 4 hrs --- that should help

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He pinched the skin, stuck it in, then shot it...he forget to wipe the site with alcohol, but hes done it before and had no problems.

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When you say he pinched the skin did he shoot it subq or IM? I always wipe the bottle off with a swab use 1 pin to withdrawl the oil, the switch pins. Swab the area then insert, aspirate and shoot. After I withdrawl I wipe the area again. I usually inject after a shower as well.

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IM..his shoulder is also a little swollen.. and its been 2 weeks since he shot there...but its nowhere near as bad as his ass.

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If he shot if sub Q no wonder its sore still, there is very little vascularity in your sub Q fat, so the iritant steroid sits around in your fatty tissue, causeing redness and soreness....u also exponentialy increase your chances of forming an abcess. Tell your "friend" to stop injection himself, till he learns proper injection technique. Steroid shots should all be done Intra Muscularly (IM), into highly vascular tissue, deep within your that the gear can more easily and efficently enter your Blood stream. Tell your freind to check out for good injecting technique.

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Will the body absorb the winny or does he have to get it drained or see a Doctor? Is it possibly infected? He used a 1 inch needle.

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Yes, your body should absorb it eventually. Local swelling is due to the mild infection created by introducing foriegn material into the body. If he starts to develop a fever, see the doc, if it starts to discolour, really dark, the go see a doc. Otherwise, take a painkiller like ibeprofen and drink plenty of liquids.

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thanks for the advice

The Rookie
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Originally posted by Valkyl Yes, your body should absorb it eventually. Local swelling is due to the mild infection created by introducing foriegn material into the body. If he starts to develop a fever, see the doc, if it starts to discolour, really dark, the go see a doc. Otherwise, take a painkiller like ibeprofen and drink plenty of liquids. "Pinched the skin then injected" It sounds to me like he injected it just under the skin like a Insulin or HG injection... Very scary!! I use a 1 1/2 inch needle and bottom that baby out in the top upper front Glute. Never no problems. You are always going to have a little soreness but no pain no gain!! 🙂 I did hit the top of the femur or hip once, felt really weird but besides that no biggie. I would also warn him about the Sceptic Nerver on the left hand side. If he hits this it will turn a good day VERY BAD!!! TR

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My posts earlier were for a friend..not for myself...I saw valkyl put "friend" and figured he must have thought I was trying to cover for myself...but if you read my other posts its obvious I don't have the problem bc I'm not taking winnie
