Injection site swel...
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Injection site swelling and pain. PLEASE Comment

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I just started my third cycle a week and a half ago. The cycle consists of Axio test e 275mg, Axio deca 250mg injected on Monday an Thursdays. I inject both compounds in one injection through a 3cc 1.5 inch needle. Along with this I stack 30mg Tbol daily.

In the past I have used BD Test E and Deca and had very smooth injections and no swelling ever. I always use new sterile needles and prep with alcohol. I don't feel infection is the issue here since there is no heat/fever or redness at the injection site. My first injection resulted in soreness but no swelling and same for the second injection. Both injections were done in the glutes rotating sides. On the third injection, the second injection of the right side I noticed the same soreness the second day but on the third day I had swelling and a hard feeling under the skin tha felt like the oil had not dispursed and had just built up but it was larger than would be expected for 2cc's even if it had not moved. THE ONLY DIFFERENCE with this injection is that I did not vigorously massage the injection site as I had in the past since I wanted to see if that was causing the soreness from the first two shots.

Any advice ? I have taken Ibuprofin yesterday and today to help with the swelling and It has gone down but very little. Soreness has gone down as well.

I would appreciate any andvice on this one!

Thanks in advance.

Stats: 6ft, 195lbs, 29 years old, 3rd cycle

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Inject MORE slowly, the knot you feel is from injecting too quickly. Also, the soreness you are encountering could be from injecting the needle too slowly. You dont want to take too long to stick yourself b/c you risk shaking the needle which causes soreness from the needle wiggling. This is exp common for glute shots since its so difficult to take them.

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I do inject very slowly thinking that would help but I will pick up the pace on the next round. Hopefully this will help out. I't's been over a year since the last cycle so I'm a little rusty injecting again.

I appreciate the feedback!

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I had swelling and soreness once with test and decca as well, i believe mine was caused from either too much of an injection 2.5 cc's or I didnt inject the syringe deep enough. I also use 1.5"needles 3cc's. i did notice that while injecting to keep myslelf from pushing the needle in further i was subconcoulsly pulling the needle out some, it caused me to swell up and i had soreness. not sure if the same happened to you. On the next injection I was very careful to inject slowly and paid alot more attention to the needle to make sure it didnt more. just my opinion, this may not be what happened to you.

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I could see how that could be a possibility as well. I was difinitely in a rush during that injection and could have pulled away from the muscle enough to have cause the problem. That along with not slowly injecting could be the cause.

