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Anyone else experience this? When aspirating to check for hitting a blood vessel (hit one the other day and nearly fainted) I sometimes get an air bubble in the chamber. Today I carried on injecting and it suddenly hurt like hell so had to stop and waste .5ml of Sust! Anyone? any tips?!

Feli Fly
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Do more research next time. An air bubble is what you're supposed to and want to get.

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air is good...injecting too fast is bad

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INjecting too fast I don't do, and I was always under the impression that injecting air into your muscle was bad.......

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The air was certainly not the source of the pain. More likely you were just close to a nerve. It happens. Why was the sust wasted? Just pick a new spot and stick yourself again...

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LAst needle at the time and didn't want to re stick it - bit of medical experience and always advised never to re stick a needle. What does Feli-fly mean by your supposed to get an air bubble when aspirating while your stuck in? Can you expand?

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When u aspirate you draw back, what seems to be air from your u get a small air bubble, that u drew out of your muscle...just push it back in with the gear. The reason u got pain is what 250 said, the gear u injected ended up "pressing" on a nerve, or u moved the needle inside u, to press on a nerve, and thats where the pain came from. just draw out the pin. change the head and restab yourself.

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Thanks, appreciate the advice from my piers!
