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I really love tren

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Hey bros...two and a half weeks into tren ONLY..90mgs EOD...and I am up about 5lbs BW...minimal bloat is now gone since I am using ECA (read my other post about works!) and my waist (around my belly button) is down three inches and my bench is up appx 20-25lbs... all hail tren! LOL anybody else love tren like me? I am new to it still, but no sides, and it is really being good to me...aaahhh..warm fuzzy feeling. ha ha

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AAHHHHHH! Trennnnnn... Me happyyyyyy! Week 9!!! No sides, not one cough, gained 18lbs lean mass so far. 100Mg Tren 100Mg Test Prop ED If the needle wasn't so sharp I'd lick the last drop after injections.:D

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LMFAO!!!!! ha ha ha damn bro thats some fuckin results bro! Good on ya bro! I am about to go run it now....ha ha ha

adam ryan
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yeah bro, good bro LOL i love tren too jokes aside!

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good results.....i gained 18lbs on about a 4 week experimental cycle........make sure to eat eat and eat and dont forget some clomid.....or kiss it all goodbye..... -lightweight

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I'm on day 24 of 75mg ed tren, and my parents are already accusing me of using steroids. I don't even live with them, they just keep telling me I'm bigger and bigger everytime they see me. My strength is through the roof, and I'm rarely sore for more than a day. Sometimes I think my routine is to easy because I recover so fast. I also do 10 minutes of cardio a day (thats it!) and I'm starting to get cut. Tren is the shit!!! Except.... I wonder if everyone else thinks I'm "on", I mean if my parents notice, do you think other people notice? I deny it, because I can't stand the lecture I'm sure they'll give.

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How you think me cow gain so much, eh? Me cows love da Fini/Syno! 😀 Freakincheap in the long run too!!!

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Sabibaby. My brother is doing an exact matching cycle as mine. I've done cycles before over the years and thought I'd turn him to the dark side. It's his first time and he's gained a good amount of lean weight too. Everyone at his work is saying "dude, you're getting huge!" or "Wow, are you on roids or what?" They say it jokingly and he tells them that he's finally eating and lifting a lot. They beleive him so far!

21inch calves
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you recover great with the stuff some of the hardest workouts i've ever had and wake up just alittle sore the next day. great stuff

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Originally posted by Sabibaby I'm on day 24 of 75mg ed tren, and my parents are already accusing me of using steroids. I don't even live with them, they just keep telling me I'm bigger and bigger everytime they see me. My strength is through the roof, and I'm rarely sore for more than a day. Sometimes I think my routine is to easy because I recover so fast. I also do 10 minutes of cardio a day (thats it!) and I'm starting to get cut. Tren is the shit!!! Except.... I wonder if everyone else thinks I'm "on", I mean if my parents notice, do you think other people notice? I deny it, because I can't stand the lecture I'm sure they'll give. same with me.. always tell me i'm bigger when they see me = ]

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I am going to do a fina/syn cycle starting the first of december. I am getting everything set for a 75mg/100mg ed cycle for 10 wweks. I am stocking up on sups, and food - my goal is 25 keepable pounds. I am not tall (5'6") so a little weight does a long way. I am must thicker than when I was a kid. I am waiting for the winter is to hide the drastic gains from friends and family. I can also be called in for UA at work if there is reasonable cause. They can see it in the spring! I hope it is as great as your guys say! I'll let you know :biglaugh:
