How does Primo comp...
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How does Primo compare to Deca?

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I've juiced for years, never really got exotic. Never even tried Primo, largely for price reasons. How does it compare to deca for a replacement (to take along with some test)?


- hardness
- water retention
- strength
- libido (i.e. is there a primo version of Deca Dick)?

Anything else? I'm an old fart (45 yo) and thinking about finally trying Primo.


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they dont compare...primo is great for some nice lean mass and easily maintained and kept gains, dont expect a huge gain in mass though..its good because you can gain even while on a low cal diet...i like to run it at 500-600mgs a week though which can be expensive

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Price is why I shyed away from Primo in the past, but prices I've seen for Norma Deca lately have sucked too, making me reconsider.

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Posted by: Hugh G. Rection
Price is why I shyed away from Primo in the past, but prices I've seen for Norma Deca lately have sucked too, making me reconsider.

like i said if you have the cash and are looking for lean gains on a cal restricted diet then primo is a great choice...i love it when i am looking for a drop in weight but want to maintain my muscle on a low cal diet

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Primo is very different than deca. nice lean gains, moderate strength gains and great while dieting to stave off muscle loss. Deca is better for strength and size but will give you a lot more water retention. Myself i like primo much better than deca.

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