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since this comes up frequently in questions to me, i am going to repost this from bass killers board, posted by basskiller: *i use 10%bb


Basic Homebrewing Steroid Powders


Alright guys, homebrewing steroid powders has basically became more and more popular since china started producing raw grade hormone powders and it became relatively easy to acquire those over here.......along with the increase in prices and decrease in product selection many Underground steroid labs or persons started buying these powders and making injectable steroids and capsules themselves, then charging what seemed like a decent price but they were/are still making a killing.

Making injectable steroids isn't hard, its not easy either, just takes some reading, some patience and a few things you can buy easily and legally online......the only thing "illegal" you will need is of course the experimantal steroid powders.

Powders just like cocaine can and most likely are "cut" and impure if not gotten from the best of sources, so a good powder guy is the first thing you will need.....i would try and steer clear of domestic remailers of these things because just like recreational drugs, the more hands they go through the more chances they have to be adulterated

Well here is a step by step for the regular JOE to make some Test-Enth'>test enanthate

Homebrew example #1

Alright bros…I'm going to go through a step by step process of making homebrew injectable, for this example I am going to simply use Testosterone Enanthate.

I am going to make 10 bottles of testosterone enanthate at 10ml per bottle. That is a total of 100ml substance and we will make it 250mg/ml

For this we will use a BA/BB ratio of 2/18, meaning 2%ba and 18%bb, you really don’t “have” to have bb in this but it helps thin out the mixture and allows you to use less ba, making the shot painless and you could easily go up to 400mg/ml if you wanted to

1) Plug all variables into steroid calculator, Steroid Powder calculator
Here you will put in oil ml’s=100ml
Dosage is going to be 250mg/ml
Leave the powder weight at .75, this works fine for most everything
Ba, plug in .02(2%)
BB, plug in .18(18%)

This will give you the following according to the calculator
-61.25ml of sterile oil (I prefer grapeseed)
-25.00 grams of enanthate powder
-2ml of BA
-18ml of BB

2) Use a 500ml beaker and sterilize it as best as possible, not a huge deal as we will filter what we pull out of it. Take the 25.00 grams of enanthate powder and put in the beaker.

3) place the 2ml of BA and the 18ml of BB in there, this is easily measured out with a 10 or 20cc syringe. It will appear as if this isn’t enough to dissolve all the powder, but it will.

4) put a frying pan on the stove top at heat level 2 or so, I like to put some water in the pan also. Next set the beaker with ba/bb/powder in the pan and let the water/pan heat up the beaker. You will see the powder start to “melt” or dissolve and it will make a mostly clear solution. You can use a glass rod to stir and speed up this process

5) After the ba/bb has dissolved the powder, Now pour in the 61.25ml of sterile oil and leave the heat on and stir with the glass rod for a few minutes, you will have a nice clear mixture.

6) next I like to turn down the heat to 1 or so for the mixture to stay warm……filtering the mixture while warm is much easier than when its room temperature.
Place your new 18g needle through the rubber stopper and into a 100ml bottle that is sterile of course. Put the .45 whatman filter on top of the needles just as in a fina conversion.

7) Use a 10ml syringe to draw out the warm oil, push the oil through the whatman filter and into the sterile glass vial. The larger the syringe you use the harder it is to push the oil through there. I usually use a 30ml syringe to draw out the oil from the beaker and then back fill the 10ml syringe and push with the 10ml syringe as its damn near impossible to push it through with a 30ml.

8)after it is all pushed through you have 100ml at 250mg/ml of a sterile and safe injectable steroid. Some like to bake to sterilize even further at this point but I for one do not find it necessary if you have sterile ingredients. I have taken literally hundreds of cc’s and never ever had a sterility issue, the ba does its job in keeping it sterile!

9)now you can draw out 10ccs at a time and fill the 10ml bottles individually to make 10 bottles

There ya go, all laid out there and should be relatively easy to follow!

And one single whatman filter should do 100ml very easily

by drrman

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Jb, how do you feel about heating the ba, bb & powder prior to adding in the oil? I'd feel more comfortable with the oil added in to help protect the powder from degrading due to heat (I have no source for this, just a thought).

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i always add the ba, bb, and about half the oil prior to adding the powder. these are added to a shot glass type container that has ml markings on it (available at any culinary supply store). the glass is then placed into a pan with water up to the level of the intended volume in the glass. turn the heat on and stir, add oil until you reach your total volume eg 50ml. always a good idea to make sure the glass is pyrex! tren seems to be the only anabolic that changes to a darker color although Test E. if not used up will turn brown.


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long esters:
ba 2-3%
bb 5%

short esters:
ba 3-5%
bb 15-20%

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you really do not have to add additional ba, ba is only for its antibac properties. back in the day, there were some real issues when folks, notably a very popular os guy, used high levels of ba and produced solutions that would almost cripple you with pain. bb is the real deal for the solvent and since it is thinner than most oils and pain free, a lot of folks, myself included use 10% even on long esters.


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Posted by: ready2explode
Jb, how do you feel about heating the ba, bb & powder prior to adding in the oil? I'd feel more comfortable with the oil added in to help protect the powder from degrading due to heat (I have no source for this, just a thought).

I always heat the oil by putting it on a steam cooking pan, with no lid on, and letting the steam heat it. The oil doesn't heat much, you can still put your finger in it without any problems, but it does help making the whole thing more fluid.

Anyway, I thought no one was homebrewing these days.

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there are still a few of us.


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Nice post...reminds me of the old days when I used to do some brewing

Information that Tazmaniac presents is totally fictitious in nature and is presented for role playing purposes only. The opinions presented do not encourage the use of illegal substances nor take the place of professional medical advice.

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why is it that people stop HB'ing?

lose their sources/boredom?

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it was a combination of things, the olympics in china created a huge ppolitacal pressure on the chinese government to clamp down on bulk powder suppliers and operation raw deal shut down almost all the domestic dealers. powder is still availablae but on the very down low.


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Posted by: jboldman
it was a combination of things, the olympics in china created a huge ppolitacal pressure on the chinese government to clamp down on bulk powder suppliers and operation raw deal shut down almost all the domestic dealers. powder is still availablae but on the very down low.


Yes. Everyone was shut down during the Olympics. The ones that weren't arrested were laying low for a while. Things were too obvious anyway. We're better off like this.

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thats all too bad...

lets hope in a few years things loosen up abit..

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Posted by: ready2explode
Jb, how do you feel about heating the ba, bb & powder prior to adding in the oil? I'd feel more comfortable with the oil added in to help protect the powder from degrading due to heat (I have no source for this, just a thought).

one problem that sometimes happens, when you do add the cold oil to the hot powder/ba/bb mixture, you can shock the experiment causing it to crash out of solution.

you should warm all items beit seperate or together

Seabiscuit Hogg
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I aways heated them together with short esters. Enanthate is a little harder to mess up..

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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i have had very good luck adding the powders to the ba/bb and about half the oil. swirl in a water bath til dislloved and then add the remaining oil to the correct ml level.

BTW, for those of you that do not know him, BassKiller is one of the most respected vets on the boards today, when he speaks folks listen. nice seeing you here bk!


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