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High dose tren and fat loss

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the iron addict
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I have had countless converstations with athletes over the years regarding tren use and fat loss. Without going into too much details, a bottom line statement is this:

Many, MANY lifters find that if the tren dose is high enough. The muscle flies on, WHILE the fat flies off. Even on eat everything but the kitchen sink diets. I have heard so many people make statements like:

I'm trying to "bulk" and don't care if I gain some bodyfat, but no matter what I eat, I am still losing fat and gaining muscle.

I know from experience it works that way for me also. A big part of this no doubt comes from the increased IGF production that tren is reported to provide. Some also state that there is a mild "uncoupling" effect from tren (don't know how much of that is true) but whatever the mechanism--IT WORKS.

What constitutes "high" dose? For many it's 75 mgs a day, although some get the same basic effects at a lower dose. And on the high end.....well...lets leave that number alone and just say it would alarm many of you--lol.

Iron Addict

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Tren no doubt exudes some wonderful effects. A great drug IMO.

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Wicked Design
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I never found it too have this effect, actually I don't like tren now that I think about it,lol.

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Posted by: Wicked Design
I never found it too have this effect, actually I don't like tren now that I think about it,lol.

you are one of the VERY few people i have seen say this.

tren has been amazing for me in the past. especially with a clean diet.

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Whenever I yused tren, I could eat considerably more clean food and get lean and vascular than I can with other aas.

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Wicked Design
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Posted by: ncsports
you are one of the VERY few people i have seen say this.

tren has been amazing for me in the past. especially with a clean diet.

So I'm told...for me Tren works just like Testosterone, only instead of getting water retention I get high BP. I NEVER get high BP on cycle....I've run 2grams of other mixed gear per week and never had high BP.

I heard how "great" tren is for fatloss so I tried it for 6 weeks. Started at 75mg ED and eventually went to 150mg ED. Didn't seem to make the slightest difference in regard to metabolism and I got a bit of acne. If I could do it over I would have run a gram of test and had better results.

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Tren is amazing. Test & Tren, I know of no reason to run a different cycle. Maybe add to these, but this combo is hard to beat.


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damn - sorry to hear that.

it does raise my BP too. i use it for 6 - 8 wks at a time then time off and then back on it and that works well for me with the high bp.

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I love tren, and at 75 mg eod it did the same thing for me as far as fat loss. I did however get some blood pressure increases from it. At one time my systolic pressure was 150-160 at rest. After taking an initial dose of aldactone at 100mg it decreased about 25 points and I lost about 6 lbs in water weight in a 12 hour period.

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I'd be interested in hearing what you think is high dose IA. I've not heard of anyone going over 200mg/day on it and they experienced pretty nasty sides at that dose.

Big Cat
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Most of what is said about tren is pure conjecture. fact is no one what causes the fat loss, if anything at all (i can't comment, I don't recommend the use of any steroid without testosterone). To say it is caused by IGF is a rather odd leap of faith, first of all since there is no quantitive data on human IGF release between test and tren, but from all anectdotal report test seems equipotent or stronger than tren in that regard. Second reason is that IGF has rather dual effect on fat. On the one hand it lowers insulin, if systemic, but systemic IGF wouldn't really affect muscle much, but it also acts like insulin, especially systemic and has proliferative and differentiating effect on adipose cells (although less than insulin on account of lower receptor density).

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Posted by: GettinSwole
I'd be interested in hearing what you think is high dose IA. I've not heard of anyone going over 200mg/day on it and they experienced pretty nasty sides at that dose.

The only person I've ever read who went over 200mgs ED is Old Gunz (a mod back in the anasci days). He ran up to 400mgs ED. Said the sides were horrible. He recommended 200mgs ED as the perfect dose.

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I think 200 mg is a big dose too tho, but I mean, some of you guys in here use horsepower

But I find it wierd that someone doesn't feel tren on their body, liek Wicked Design for one, and especially on 150 mg ed. Sounds wierd, what else did you take?

For the testo combination, I've heard no problems doing tren without testo, f.ex a combo of tren,masteron and winny(for one).

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400mgs a day is just ridiculous. As for what you were saying Big Cat I agree to a certain extent. The best results I ever got from tren was simply because it is so anti-catabolic that I could drop my calories extremely low and watch the fat melt off and the muscle spared.

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Through whatever mechanism I find that I can eat whatever I want, and I mean anything, and still not gain a pound on tren. Nothing I've ever used has exerted the same physical changing effects as tren, though I think they're much more pronounced the leaner you are to begin with.

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