High BF% and Gyno l...
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High BF% and Gyno likelyhood

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Just out of curiosity. i) Does a higher BF% (lets say over 20% for the hell of it) give an increased incidence of gynomasty in men?
ii) Does the likelyhood of gyno at this BF% increase further if using AAS?

Does anyone have a link to a paper to support this (if the answers are yes) please. Am i right in thinking 'yes', because the general advice to many posters saying eg, " i am 230lb BF28% and want to cycle.."; is, "get the bf down before you think about this". Or is there a completely different reason to lower bf?

Weights - Wimmin - Beer - Metal

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More fat = more Aromatising of Test to estrogen

For this same reason you'll notice guys saying after a comp they grow like a weed,,, its not just that they are eating more... there is less conversion which means more androgens... Gyno isn't the only side affect either,,, there are other sides that come along with high estrogen levels... Plus until you get at least in decent shape you'll only look like a bigger fat guy...


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


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Visions you are a diamond geezer! Thanks for that, i've been having a spat with someone on another board on this topic; you've confirmed what i said, but they told me i didn't know what the hell i was talking about. Sadly i had nothing to support my claim.
Basically a guy was asking about how to start a sust250'>sustanon cycle but gave his stats as bf%28, but i got hammered when i suggested he lowered his bf% to help avoid the possability an increased likelyhood of gyno occuring. I thought this was fairly basic information.
Thanks again Visions!


Weights - Wimmin - Beer - Metal

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Yeah, IC that bf% level that high will cause many problems. Also, the increased estrogen can cause the androgen from being able to bind to the receptor as well.

You should never get that fat no matter what imho, you dont need to get above 12% and still make plenty of gains each and every year and not risk health problems or injury to body.

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Thanks mate. I've found a paper on this as well, and asked those flaming me to read thru in slowly twice LOL!

Weights - Wimmin - Beer - Metal

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Yeah Ive been reading lots and lots of studies on estrogen and AI's vs, SERMS. I came across something the other day about higher % of body fat actually decreasing gains because of higher aromatization, and more estrogen in the body. I'll see If I can find it cause I have been collecting studies. If I find it I'll post it.

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Yeh, that'd be the killing blow!

Weights - Wimmin - Beer - Metal

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Just from personal experience the best cycles for me have been when my bf was already low at the outset of the cycle...around 12% or even lower. Drop you bf first then do your cycle and it makes all the difference in the world in the quality of you cycle.
