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Help on how often i should take Sustaplex 350 and Stanoplex 50?

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I am taking Sus 350 and Stanoplex 50. i hav been taking 1 ml of sus on sundays and 1 ml of stan on wednesdays. i hav only taken a total of 7 shots so far and have 13 left. any suggestions on a more effective way to take them?

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and i am thinking of starting tritrenabol 150 towards the end of the cycle. would this giv good results?

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This cycle needs A LOT of work. You don't have enough aas to run it correctly. We also don't know what your goals, stats, and cycle history to be able to give you guidance.

Do you have any kind of PCT set up? I think you should stop, regroup, and research and than form a plan of attack.

From what you have written I strongly advise you against running tren. That is not a newbie drug.

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stats are 6'2 220 lbs. goals are to add a good amount of visual size, mostly in the upper body, and to tighten. ive noticed so far that my muscles everywhere are harder and i have lost fat. shoulders and arms have gotten a little bigger but definitely harder. chest has tightened. as far as takeing anything for part of the pct, i have proviron that i will start later on. someone suggested to me to just do the sust for a while and start the stan the last 2 weeks of sust cycle. this guy is an experienced user but has never used either of these.

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Posted by: bradd27
stats are 6'2 220 lbs. goals are to add a good amount of visual size, mostly in the upper body, and to tighten. ive noticed so far that my muscles everywhere are harder and i have lost fat. shoulders and arms have gotten a little bigger but definitely harder. chest has tightened. as far as takeing anything for part of the pct, i have proviron that i will start later on. someone suggested to me to just do the sust for a while and start the stan the last 2 weeks of sust cycle. this guy is an experienced user but has never used either of these.

personally, i would chalk this cycle up for a's why, it doesn't look like there was much planning done.

proviron is not something you should be using for PCT.

and sustaplex at 250mg/wk is a very, very low dose for somebody your size.

if i was you, i would buy some clomid at the very least, and finish out your sustaplex then start PCT.all the while, you should do a little more research and plan your next cycle 6'2", 220lbs, guys on this board could make you a monster!

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this is why i am asking for suggestions about how much and often to take instead of trying to research all over the internet on how much to take for a guy my size when i dont know which articles are bullshit. i would rather get the info from people who are actually taking or have taken gear. any SUGGESTIONS on how much and often?

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and also: u said to not take tren, but what if i used it in smaller doses?

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bro, listen to these guys. finish out ur sust and hold off on stan and tren and any other aas u might have. is this your first cycle? if so, why dont you just start off with a test only cycle? maybe some Dbols as a jumpstart? im a lil bigger than you 6'3 252 and have 5 cycles under my belt. it all comes down to how hard you diet.

no aas in the world will help if your diet is crap. you said you wanted advise on this cycle, then why did you start it before asking anyone on here? i did a test only cycle with dbols and blew up about 25lbs in 12 weeks...Very minimal bf.

read up then invest in some gear. hoped this helped. not being mean.

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Bro you definitely need to do some research. Sustaplex should be taken no less than 2x per week, i prefer to take it eod. Stanoplex is winny with a half life of about 9 hours, therefore it needs to be taken every day to make it effective. Stay away from tren, it is an extremely powerful AAS with very harsh side effects. Stick with test and d-bol or test and t-bol when you decide to run a proper cycle.

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.

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Posted by: bradd27
and also: u said to not take tren, but what if i used it in smaller doses?

From what you have written you SHOULD NOT touch tren.First its not for newbs such as yourself.Next, you need to run an Anti-progesterone like dostinex or bromo throughout the course of the cycle b/c of the chances of getting PIG.Tren shuts you down VERY HARD and therefore you NEED to run HCG throughout.And lastly, you MUST have a solid PCT which you do not have.

Proviron will not bounce you back.It will only keep you shut down since its an androgen.You need to run Clomid to raise your FSH and LH as well as strong AI like A-sin to get your natural levels of test to return and not raise your lipids or your bad cholesterol which bouncing you back.

These are just a few reasons why you are not ready for something like Tren.

Also, remember that AAS is just a small piece of a H U G E puzzle and if your diet, training, rest, and supplementation isnt spot on ALL the AAS in the world wont do a thing for you.

If I want to add flavor to my cooking. . . . . . . I just burn it

There is NO such thing as over training just under EATING. ~ Trey Brewer

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yes, this is my first cycle. i am now convinced to not use tren. my diet is basically eating healthier foods, staying away from fried foods and sweets, but i am not actually trying to take in a specific amount of protein or calories. i am eating a lot of chicken and steak and have a few protein shakes a week. would using 1 ml of sustaplex every 3 days be a better way to continue and hold off on the stan until the end of the cycle be a more effective way?

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Posted by: bradd27
yes, this is my first cycle. i am now convinced to not use tren. my diet is basically eating healthier foods, staying away from fried foods and sweets, but i am not actually trying to take in a specific amount of protein or calories. i am eating a lot of chicken and steak and have a few protein shakes a week. would using 1 ml of sustaplex every 3 days be a better way to continue and hold off on the stan until the end of the cycle be a more effective way?

sustaplex will work minimumly (is that a word??) when injected every 3 days...

here's the deal.

we all want you to #1 not harm your body.#2 make the most out of your cycle, cause if not, you just blew your money and possible risked your health.#3most of all, we want you to be educated...

i'm the first person to say that i don't know all there is to know about what we do here...but mark my words, i won't start anything w/out running it by my peeps here!

finish whatever you have of the sustaplex, get your PCT in line, and like i said, start planning out your real first cycle...

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Posted by: bradd27
yes, this is my first cycle. i am now convinced to not use tren. my diet is basically eating healthier foods, staying away from fried foods and sweets, but i am not actually trying to take in a specific amount of protein or calories. i am eating a lot of chicken and steak and have a few protein shakes a week. would using 1 ml of sustaplex every 3 days be a better way to continue and hold off on the stan until the end of the cycle be a more effective way?

With all due respect here, you shouldn't even use juice as of yet. Many people think it's a magic potion and it's not. What you need to do is FIRST and FOREMOST, get your diet in check. Otherwise all the gear in the world won't help you. Food is the most anabolic thing you can put in your body.
Once you know what your diet needs are then you start achiving them. I'm not trying to be a dick here, but your food intake sounds haphazzard. Theres alot of great info out there and on here regarding how to eat to gain muscle. Read up onit, and you'll probably make great gains from that alone.
When your at a point where your taking in 5-6 meals a day and getting enough protien, carbs and good fats, your body will be in a position to grow, if after a while of doing that, you still want to use gear, then at least you'll be able to use it sucessfully and get the most out of it.
Good Luck with things.

"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son."
