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HCG midcycle

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I was doing a search because im starting my bulk cycle soon and i have always used clomid the proper way but i still lost some size. I was wondering if i could use HCG mid cycle and then clomid, clen , ndex at the end. How much hcg should i use , whatare dosages my cycle will be 1-4 Dbol 35mg day 1-8 800 mg cyp maybe throw some deca in there for 8 weeks at 600mg week. but where to throw in the hcg is my question and how much

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I heard in the middle and then toward the end of the cycle@500iu, but I would like to know too!

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

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using it mid cycle and post cycle is the way to go.use 2,000iu's a week for 2 weeks mid cycle after your test.has kicked in.for post cycle wait 2 weeks after your last shot of cyp.and use 2,oooiu's a week for two weeks,start to use 50mg.of clomid during the 2nd week of hcg. for 2 weeks also.this will get your boys back and give you better gains during your cycle............LATER

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I've had good results doing 2000 iu every 3rd day for 3 injections then 2 more very 7th day.. guys that have done 500iu ed for 14 days have reported good results.. I have issues at home that prevent me from keeping it in the fridge or I would try it that way.. RP has posted on a similar schedule but @ 5000iu every 3rd day..

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I have done it both during and after cycle too...took 2500-5000 a week for 2 weeks...seemed to work great....depends on how long you are running for...pumped um right back up...but do have clomid and nolva post cycle.

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I dont think your problem is using the Clomid you should taper a test like cypionate it is not sustanon it will not self taper. Adding HCG will not hurt but you need to taper off cypionate and the deca

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I've allways done it post cycle, and allwas have lost some gains, so next week I'm starting my 12 week winter cycle (bulk) and this time I'm doing weeks 3,7,11 5000 I.U. than wait 2 weeks and do 5000 I.U. for 3 weeks. That's besides Clomid, of course.

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Like I said before that wont hurt but I still think you need to taper your test dosages towards the end. Also how much do you usually use remember some of the weight is water bloat with test so if its like 5 lbs the hcg will not help regardless

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I would use 500IU ED for 10 days in the 5th week. Then on the day of your last shot of test, start the same 10 day regime, using 50mg of clomid along with it, and the clomid at 50mg for another 3-4 weeks. I would stop the deca 2 weeks before the test
