Got my test levels ...
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Got my test levels back

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It is good or bad depending on how you look at it. They were 284.3 w/ a reference range of 270-1190. I am 30 and have not cycled in 5 years. The 2 cycles i did were extremely small. 250mg primeteston/week for 8 weeks at 18(gained 30lbs, kept 18) . and 250mg sust every 5 days for 8 weeks at 25(gained 18lbs, kept 12). I was planning to start a cycle next week: 500mg testex cyp/week 400mg Organondeca/week 30mg anabol/day .5mg arim eod nolva and clomid on hand and for PCT. Now I am going to talk to the doc on thursday. I may play it cool and tell him I dont really want to go on HRT then do my cycle and go back for more tests after my cycle. Then it will look like i am really not interested. I will then tell him I have been doing research and am interested in the shots.

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I'm 30 too and my T levels came in right at the bottom of the scale as well. I just started HRT about a month ago. It seems every where I turn, I see people younger and younger with low T levels. You have to wonder what is causing this. I swear it is an epidemic. Either people are more aware and demanding T levels be tested which is now showing the problem or there is something in the food we eat and water we drink that it making us a bunch of testless beasts! Push for the HRT bro but you might need to delay your cycle a bit as he may want to do a blood test one month after starting the HRT to see if you are in the high normal level.

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Thanks for the info bro. I am in the states. are you? I dont want to go thru the BS patches and gels. Did tyour doc go right to thr enj.? He said he has one patient that is on HRT.

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I'm going to PM you in a couple of minutes.
