got gyno with no sy...
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got gyno with no symptoms...+ found my gear threshold

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Well I was feeling arounf my pec last night and there is some tisue in there. Feels like a oval of tissue and it feels like the tissue behind My gf's breasts so it has to be it. Always used anti E's (arimi.have nova on hand) and somehow got it. I used fina last summer so mabet thats wher it came from bec i remember my nipples becoming a little sensative but not painfull or even itchy. Its not really bad you would never be able to see it, but the thought that its there pisses me off....Oh well live and learn about this cyle I was gung how--- a gram a week of test and A50 for 4 weeks well the a50;s lasted alittel over 2 weeks 1. WAY WAY WAY to much bloat 2. Severe head achs.....working out was almost usless at some points 3, Lower back pain that you write home about Ok so I end the a bombs early 1000mg of test WAY more sides then 750MG for me 1. more acne 2. lowe back pain constantly- not cool 3. much more bloat even when going as high as 1 mg arimi aday only + i was getting strong as a ox and up 10lbs in 4 wweks so week 5-12 750 mg of ICN's and .5 arimri a day 25 mg proveian aday 25 Tamoxafin I think thats good for me,,,,,,250 mg of added test a week in my body was stronger then 600 mg of EQ wich i ran last yer w/750 Im not trying to go pro or anything so imm sticking with 750 tops from here on out with some stacking Ijust felt like sharing no idea why
