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Got Any Info On Women and EQ???

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Just curious if anyone has some info on EQ(boldenone Undecylenate) and it's use by women.

What are some of the side effects?

Is there any way to minimize or reduce the side effects (Stack...?)?

What would be the dose? (20's and 136lbs)

I was reading that it is slightly estrogenic. How would that apply to me?

Also, how does this compare to nandrolene?

Gino's_She Hulk

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Side effects are the same for women regardless of the steroids used. As I've mentioned before, women don't use doses large enough to ellicit certain sides that are specific to a certain steroid.

No real way to reduce the side effects, unless you ceased your cycle immediately. This may reverse them, but it may not. The trouble with eq is that it has such a long ester. It stays active in the body so long that it's possible to build plasma androgen levels up too high, which causes sides, and then you'd have to wait a good 3 weeks before levels drop enough for sides to *cross fingers* reverse.

It converts to estrogen half as much as Testosterone and also is about half as androgenic. Although these numbers play in a woman's favor, they still are on the high side.

If you're going to attempt to play with this AAS, I'd suggest starting with a dose of 25mgs every TWO weeks. The time that it usually takes a substance to plateau is 5x the half life. Eq is going to have approximately 12 day half life. So, androgen levels won't really plateau until day 60. Thus, it may take you several cycle of this compound to get used to it. It can be done, but you have to be patient. Bumping up your dose too fast will lead to sides.

If after 60 days, you're side-free, I'd recommend decreasing the periods between shots instead of increasing dose. It has the same net effect, but androgen levels will be more consistent over time. If you work down to 1 week in between shots, then you can increase dose.

I realize that my recommendations are a bit lower than most others recommend. Personally, I am of the opinion that slow and steady wins the race. If you can keep your patience, you can learn to use a difficult drug with little sides and great gains.

"In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience."
~W.B. Prescott

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
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Thank you for your reply. It helped a lot. When I decide to start a cycle, I will definitely keep this one in mind. And patience is not a problem for me.

One more thing R2E, I was reading that Nandrolene was comparable to EQ. Got any info on that?

Thanks again.

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Posted by: ready2explode
Side effects are the same for women regardless of the steroids used. As I've mentioned before, women don't use doses large enough to ellicit certain sides that are specific to a certain steroid.

No real way to reduce the side effects, unless you ceased your cycle immediately. This may reverse them, but it may not. The trouble with eq is that it has such a long ester. It stays active in the body so long that it's possible to build plasma androgen levels up too high, which causes sides, and then you'd have to wait a good 3 weeks before levels drop enough for sides to *cross fingers* reverse.

It converts to estrogen half as much as testosterone and also is about half as androgenic. Although these numbers play in a woman's favor, they still are on the high side.

If you're going to attempt to play with this AAS, I'd suggest starting with a dose of 25mgs every TWO weeks. The time that it usually takes a substance to plateau is 5x the half life. Eq is going to have approximately 12 day half life. So, androgen levels won't really plateau until day 60. Thus, it may take you several cycle of this compound to get used to it. It can be done, but you have to be patient. Bumping up your dose too fast will lead to sides.

If after 60 days, you're side-free, I'd recommend decreasing the periods between shots instead of increasing dose. It has the same net effect, but androgen levels will be more consistent over time. If you work down to 1 week in between shots, then you can increase dose.

I realize that my recommendations are a bit lower than most others recommend. Personally, I am of the opinion that slow and steady wins the race. If you can keep your patience, you can learn to use a difficult drug with little sides and great gains.

Extremly good answer and advice imo!!!!!!!

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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Posted by: Gino's_SheHulk
Thank you for your reply. It helped a lot. When I decide to start a cycle, I will definitely keep this one in mind. And patience is not a problem for me.

One more thing R2E, I was reading that Nandrolene was comparable to EQ. Got any info on that?

Thanks again.

Was on a little vacation, and will be answering this tomorrow. Sorry about the wait.

I have a couple of studies where nandrolone was used on women, and I don't remember them to be favorable. I want to dig them up for you to see.

Also, I'd go with nandrolone phenylpropionate over decanoate (4.5 day half life vs 12 days).

"In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience."
~W.B. Prescott

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
~Albert Einstein

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Although nandrolone has been used to help HIV positive men gain weight, it has not been fully studied in HIV positive women. Now researchers in the United States have tested this steroid in women with HIV/AIDS and found that it significantly increases weight and muscle mass without any severe toxicity, at least in the short term.

Study details
The American research team recruited 38 women with HIV/AIDS, all of whom had unintentional weight loss of at least 5% of their body weight in the year before entering the study. Half the women received nandrolone 100 mg injected deep into muscle every two weeks for three consecutive months. This dose is half that normally used to treat kidney-related anemia. The remaining 19 women received fake nandrolone (placebo) also injected into muscle at the same schedule as the other women. For the first three months, the study was double-blinded—neither the women nor the researchers knew who was getting nandrolone.

After three months, the study was unblinded and all participants received nandrolone for three more months. During the study, extensive blood and other tests were done.

In this study, the average age of the women was 36 years and about 70% were taking HAART. Seven women (three receiving nandrolone and four receiving placebo) were also taking estrogen before and during the study as part of hormone replacement therapy.

Results—Part one
During the first three months of the study, participants who received nandrolone gained, on average, 9% of their body weight, most of which was in the form of muscle. Women who received placebo did not experience any significant change in their weight during this time. Also, neither group of women experienced any significant change in their level of body fat.

Results—Part two
During the second part of the study, when all women received nandrolone, the women who had initially been on placebo gained 1.5 kg of muscle; however, this was not statistically significant.

The women who received nandrolone for a total of six months maintained the weight that they had gained during the first part of the study.

Changes in lab tests
To clearly assess the impact of nandrolone, researchers compared side effects reported by participants in the first three months of the study—the placebo-controlled phase. Red blood cell counts increased among participants who received nandrolone, not an unexpected finding. There were no significant changes in CD4+ cell counts or liver enzyme levels. Nor were there changes in levels of sugar or fatty substances in the blood (triglycerides, cholesterol). The researchers did not provide results about viral load assessments.

Hormonal changes
Estrogen levels in the blood fell somewhat during the periods women received nandrolone, but this was not significant. Similar changes were seen in levels of leutenizing hormone (LH).

Side effects
Although more than half the women in each group developed an abnormal sign/symptom or laboratory test result during the study, there was no difference in the incidence of side effects between nandrolone and placebo users.

While there was an increase in sex-specific side effects in women receiving nandrolone, the team noted that many of these occurred in the same woman. However, over time, some women who received nandrolone for six months reported the following:

o deepening voice (three women)
o increased growth of hair (three women)
o missed periods (two women)
o enlarged clitoris (one woman)

Overall, nandrolone had no significant impact on hormonal-related growths, such as cervical dysplasia or tumours in the breasts.

In this study, the use of nandrolone was associated with increased body weight, particularly muscle weight, while no significant decreases in body fat occurred. Moreover, nandrolone was not linked to any statistically significant increase in severe side effects. But bear in mind that this was a relatively small study and a larger, longer study of nandrolone is needed in more women with HIV/AIDS to properly assess its safety. Other doses and perhaps less frequent injections may also need to be studied in this population.

1. Mulligan K, Zackin R, Clark RA, et al. Effect of nandrolone decanoate therapy on weight and lean body mass in HIV-infected women with weight loss: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial. Archives of Internal Medicine 2005;165(5):578-85.

2. Choi HH, Gray PB, Storer TW, et al. Effects of testosterone replacement in human immunodeficiency virus-infected women with weight loss. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2005;90(3):1531-41.

3. Tang AM, Jacobson DL, Spiegelman D, et al. Increasing Risk of 5% or Greater Unintentional Weight Loss in a Cohort of HIV-Infected Patients, 1995 to 2016. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 2005; in press.

"In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience."
~W.B. Prescott

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
~Albert Einstein

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My advice on Nandrolone Decanoate would be identical to the advice I had given you earlier on Boldenone in terms of cycle length, dosage, patience, etc.

I would think that Eq would be superior in terms of BF loss and similar in terms of strength and lbm gains. As was stated, there wasn't a change in the body fat of women using nandrolone. I make this assumption because Eq is a bit more androgenic (1/2 that of test vs 1/5 that of test) and has no affinity for the PR (nandrolone binds to the PR with 1/3 of the affinity of actual progesterone).

I hope this helps. Feel free to PM me if I missed anything. I don't check this forum as often as I should. Therefore, my apologies.

"In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience."
~W.B. Prescott

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
~Albert Einstein

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Nice work r2e.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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I was wondering if She-Hulk ever tested out this advise and how it went/is going?
I'm planning a something similar soon.
Maybe I'll start a thread?

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SS, did you notice the studies in the thread showing that nandrolone doesn't help with bodyfat?

She-hulk hasn't visited lately. I'd suspect this is due to the lack of females on the board. In an effort not to lose you, I'd say you could post your questions in the main anabolic forum. Therefore, you wouldn't feel so isolated and you'd receive answers to your questions faster. It's nice to have a bit of estrogen around...

"In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience."
~W.B. Prescott

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
~Albert Einstein

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I will post in the main section.

...I'm glad someone likes a bit of estrogen (it is at present my greatest enemie)...

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i just read ajust published abstract on the effect of nandrolone on the female rat uterus. There were morphological changes that affected the reproduction system negatively.

although not a human study, still something to take into consideration.


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I don't have a uterus.
I think that helps...

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Sorry--didn't mean to be a butt in my last post.
Given that I'm 44, have no uterus (since 2000) and still have ovaries, are the risks to reproduction--which I have ruled out--or to the stuff I still have, health wise?

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good point! it had to do with the morphology of the uterus so i think you are safe!

btw, what is your present bf%

