hey, i only shoot in my right glute, because i feel comfortable doing so. i havent done much gear so it doesnt hurt bad or anything. is that ok? or should i switch up?
shoud definately try to rotate your inject sites just so you don`t build up any scar tissue it is defianately a little awkward doing it on the other side but its not that bad after a few shots its just as easy as the right side
You gotta rotate that around...Give it a try in your quad,I like it sooo much better,not only is it easier to see what your doing but I can sit down and do it.........
how often are u injecting?? the general rule is to shoot a site only once a week, but if ur only taking one shot a week then ur ok
I shoot mon/wed/fri. I rotate cheeks. after a while i start doing delt shots. Definately switch each time. scar tissue sucks and most of all, you dont want abcess! TH