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getting worried now

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i was an idiot months ago,maybe even a year ago. on cycle i had a bad injection in my quad so i was using only delts.dumb i know. i am back to using quads and one delt.i cant use my other delt cause i have a hard lump in it.its been there for many months now.doesnt hurt at all just looks bad.i did get a sweeling in that delt on my last cycle and i drained it went down and now i've had this hard marble in there.what can it be?

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Probably scar tissue bro..

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.

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you think so? but its lower than where i always injected

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bump gus sounds like scar tissue, have you tried putting a needle through it and hear like crunchin noises and its hard to go through then its most likely scar tissue to be on the safe side use a heating pad on it a few times a day and see if it subsists

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ok i will try the heating pad and rubbing it but like i said,the reason i dont believe its scar tissue is that i never injected in that spot.its about3 inches down from where i used to inject

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Posted by: irishpride0769
putting a needle through it and hear like crunchin noises and its hard to go through

Now that's a nice thought

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Crunching noises...that's definitely what i fell when i go through scar tissue. gives me the chills

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You need moisture and heat, and a pinhole.

Make sure there's a pinhole in it, and then put a heating pad on a wet towel and wrap tight (not too tightly, but snug). That heat should draw whatever is in there you probably already know. To avoid discomfort or a waste of your time, do this overnight. If in fact is it scar tissue, nothing will drain from it...and aside from having it cut out, there's nothing you can do about it.

Sorry you had that happen bro, I'm sure it's annoying as hell.

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Sorry IP, I just read what you wrote...just adding to it a bit, I guess.

Same procedure used in draining staph infection boils, cists long as they are on the surface

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ok im confused.can you get scar tissue where you never injected though?

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absolutely. sure can, but if that's where you were inject. it's highly unlikely that it just "popped up"

Just go to the Dr. broham, it's not a huge deal one way or the other...but he's the only one who can give you a credible opinion. Not we on here online who haven't a degree in medicine nor "eyes-on" the lump.

Nothing to worry about, though...just see the doc. No different than getting a physical, or getting bloodwork done during a cycle.

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I will bet its a vein that was damaged or group of blood vessles that has varicosed and has calcified---it will usually happen either way sometimes from infection or redundent needle use in the same spot
