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General info on making oil based injectable solutions

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I seem to be a bit sensitive to it, but I am not the only one, many people have spoken of pain at 250mg/ml.

I find that dropping the BB to less than 20% actually increases the pain, so if you go 300mg/ml again you may want to try upping it to 20% and see how that feels.

I made one batch at 333mg/ml, (so 1g was just 3 shots), and that did not feel any worse than 250mg, but still hurt quite a bit.

I now always prefere to shoot a bit more oil and be pain free for the following few days.

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i always mix my enathate up at 200mg/ml using 2%bb, 5-10%bb. 5 % is actually enough since enanthate is so easy to make up but i usually go to 10% anyway. I find the 200mg/ml to be essentially painless at this concentration.


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Posted by: jboldman
i always mix my enathate up at 200mg/ml using 2%bb, 5-10%bb. 5 % is actually enough since enanthate is so easy to make up but i usually go to 10% anyway. I find the 200mg/ml to be essentially painless at this concentration.


Sounds like you mean 2% ba and 10% bb..I was gonna mix mine @ 250 so maybe I'll up the bb some..Thanks all..

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Thats usually what I do - 2-3% ba and 10-13% bb.. The powder itself can depend if its painful or not also. Some of you will remember a few posts I made about some enant powder I couldnt get to be painless for the life of me, and I made a million different batches of different concentrations. The new stuff I have however I made at 300 mg/ml and it doesnt even phase me.

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BB is pretty much painless, some guys on another board shot 1ml of pure BB to see if it was the cause of any pain, and found it was not.

BB is probably not needed to get TE into solution, but to me it is about more than just getting it to hold, I want a pain free, nice easy injection.

So that is why I always use 20% BB on pretty much everything, it makes the oil much thinner, making the jab flow better.

Another good point is the one BH made, there are some very suspect powders about, I recently had some TE which had so much water in it that it exploded when heated up! The water sat on the bottom of the beaker, and exploded when it got too hot.

The company in question apologised and refunded, but that still does not excuse sloppy manafacture, and these are probably the biggest company in that business.

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Posted by: Nytol2
BB is probably not needed to get TE into solution, but to me it is about more than just getting it to hold, I want a pain free, nice easy injection.

So that is why I always use 20% BB on pretty much everything, it makes the oil much thinner, making the jab flow better.

Yes, (20%)..makes it thinner and easier to inject, painless etc;..but won't that also effect the release time from the site as I'd be using less oil in concentration?..A faster release is not something I'm necessarily looking for..

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adding more bb would not necessarily make it a faster time release since it is not soluble in water. 10% should be plenty for even high concentrations.


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The BB will not effect the release as JB said.

I see no reason not to add 20%, so we will just have to dissagree on that point, but either should work well.

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i see no reason NOT to use 20%, it should work fine. Frankly, i am just copying what the human grade injectable test compositions are and it has worked fine for me. If you find that 20% works better, i would go for it.


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Posted by: Nytol2
The BB will not effect the release as JB said.

Actually, I am under the impression that every little thing will effect the release rate.

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What reasons do you have to think that? The ester is the main thing that effects the release.

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Posted by: Restless
Actually, I am under the impression that every little thing will effect the release rate.

I tend to agree..I don't know how much emphasis it has in the end result, but the ratios of ba, bb, and oil should have some bearing to how fast the compound releases or flows INTO the blood stream from the depot site..If you forget the ester, a larger volume of oil in a 300mg concentration will take longer to reach the bloodstream then a smaller volume..If I inject a 300mg/1ml concentration of oil or a 300mg/2ml concentration, doesn't it take longer for 2ml to release from the depot site and become fully active in circulation than 1ml?..When changing bb ratios from 10-20%, the oil ratio changes also..My thoughts..

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so the real question is how long does bb take to release and whether or not that differs from the oil that you are using. Also keep in mind that each kind of oil has a different effect on the half-life as well. You are probably making as much difference chosing between cottonseed oil and grapeseed oil as you are by adding more bb.


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Posted by: Nytol2
For test enanthate 2% BA and 20% BB are just about perfect. I personally find TE painfull if made at 250mg/ml, but totally painless at 200mg/ml.

I agree. 250 kills me also, but 200 I can do everyday with no problems

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that is interesting, i can remember when morningstar many years ago came out with 600mg/ml totally painless. I am doing 300mg/ml ow and it is painless. i think a lot of it has to do with individual tolerances.


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