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General info on making oil based injectable solutions

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General info on making oil based injectable solutions

There's really not much to this at all. The only thing that varies is the percentage of solvents used. The rest of the procedure is always the same.

For long esters like enanthate not much is needed. I have made Testosterone Enanthate with 1% BA only for a friend and there were no problems whatsoever. The solution will be unnecessarily thick though, so for my stuff I always put 3-5% BB in everything.

I recently shot some of the 1% BA only testosterone enanthate and it tends to be a painfull injection, especially in the quads it's kind of crippling.

For shorter esters (propionate, phenil-propionate and acetate) something like 1-5% BA and 7-15% BB will do for concentrations of up to 100 mg/ml. Higher than that and it usually gets painfull.

The procedure is quite simple and the material needed readly available.

You need:

-A scale accurate to either 0.1 gr or better yet 0.01 gr. The second one will allow you to measure as little as 100 mg with a 10% error margin, which I find tolerable. For injectables you are probably always weighting at least a couple of grams so a 0.1 gr scale should be fine.

- A syringe filter, either a 0.45 or 0.2 micron pore diameter. The 0.2 should produce a sterile finished product, at least in theory, since no bacteria or spore is supposed to be able to get trough the membrane. It also makes filtering larger quantities a pain in the ass and takes a lot more time. A 0.45 might not be so effective but since the BA is supposed to be able to sterilize the solution by itself, a .45 should be fine.

- Sterile sealed vials and at least one unsealed one of identical volume and shape. The unsealed one is usefull in measuring the volume of the solution. Some people just use a 0.85 ml per gr of powder to calculate the volume that each gram of powder will take. This probably will not result in a large margin of error, but to be really accurate you should fill up the unsealed vial with the same volume as the desired total in your injectable solution, mark this vial with pen, and when you are filtering you should place this unsealed vial next to the sealed one and fill it up untill you reach the height of the mark in the unsealed one. I plan on making a post with more detailed instrctions and with pictures later on.

- Various syringes, preferably not larger than 10 ml. The Larger the syringe, the less pressure will be created inside by the force you apply on the plunger. 10 ml ones are a good compromise.

- Some needles, one 25 gauge to keep the pressure inside the sealed vial from going up, which would make the filtering a lot harder and would push some solution out of the whatman everytime you exchanged the syringe attached to it. This has happened to me and I only realised what was wrong almost at the end of the conversion, so don't forget it. You will also need something like a 19-21 gauge to attach the filter to.

- The oil and solvents.:

-For oil most oils sold on aromateraphy sites will do, like soy, cottonseed, grapefruit, etc... You don't have to buy sterile oil. It will be mixed with contaminated material anyway (the powder) and I have my doubts a bottle of oil with no preservative whatsoever will keep sterile for long.

- For solvents you'll need at least benzyl alcohol. Like I said before you won't really need nothing more for long esters, but I recommend using some BB always. 2% BA should be ok, probably even 1% and 5-15% BB depending on ester type.

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why not keep the ba at 1-2 percent and just increase the bb. Less painfull and just as effective.


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Posted by: jboldman
why not keep the ba at 1-2 percent and just increase the bb. Less painfull and just as effective.


That is what I do. I put in that 5% just to show the normal ranges people use.

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I personally add 15-20% BB to all conversions as it keeps the pain down on some like TE and makes the oil easier to filter and inject.

As for what type of oil, I always go with store bought Grapeseed, very thin.

I use a 21g needle, as the 18-19g ones tend to cause too much damage to the rubber stopper.

Good post.

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This post is a sticky. Good information that Restless posted. We can add to it as we go.

One thing we should talk about is also filtration. I tend to use a .45 micron filter if I am doing a big batch like 100 ML's. A .02 is just TOO hard to do it seems for that amount.

Does anyone else do the same or have any objections to a .045 over a .02? My thought is that a .045 will filter out almost everything except for some microbes, but the alcohol solution SHOULD take care of any of those.

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i totally agree, I tried using a .02 once, I got about 20ml through it and it took ages.

I have made liters of home made hormone over the last couple of years using a .45 and have never had any problems with sterility.

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what BA and BB % should one use for Winnie depot?

" Bring the Pain"

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Posted by: silverknight
what BA and BB % should one use for winnie depot?

winny is different to most things, and is a pain to make in oil.

I made it at 25mg/ml with 5% BA and 15% BB and it held for 6 weeks before 2 tiny crystals appered.

This would be enough time for you to use it, just dont make too much at once.

It needs to be heated up to 240 degrees C when disolving it, or it will crash much more quickly.

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thanx bro

" Bring the Pain"

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Read up on my winny recipie. I still think its the best one around.

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where can i find that bro?

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Posted by: jboldman
why not keep the ba at 1-2 percent and just increase the bb. Less painfull and just as effective.


So what would be the best #'s JB? Say 2% BA and 5% BB using enanthate?..Your opinion?

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For test enanthate 2% BA and 20% BB are just about perfect. I personally find TE painfull if made at 250mg/ml, but totally painless at 200mg/ml.

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Posted by: Nytol2
For test enanthate 2% BA and 20% BB are just about perfect. I personally find TE painfull if made at 250mg/ml, but totally painless at 200mg/ml.

I am using 2% BA/10% BB 300 mg/ml now and I find it painfull too. 250 was always fine.

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