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Gear for a Fight

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Posted by: Cauliflower Ear
do youu like var as a cyclist? dont those pumps fuck with you?

yeah i liked it alot once i got real var! i got bunked on the first go. it was Dbol! and those were the only pumps i got!
i was never winded....not that i could blame on the var anyway!and i was only using var, and no i was never shut down. my libido may have dropped some at the end of the cycle which i think was four months varying between 30 and 50 mg ed.
i was getting really cheap caps from a defunct lab in china. if they were still around i'd have a lot of those caps sitting around to stack my next cycle with.

Cauliflower Ear
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i ran var for a while...i ran it at 50mg ed and at 25mg ed and neither really helped that much for me. i dont know really if it just didnt do much for my body....also i dont think the strenght went up....

Train Hard, Fight Hard, Party Hard

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You are correct, you did not recommend that dose but you tacitly implied that that dose would be fine. We read the studies differently and i will leave it at that. I would encourage you to check out mooney's site for some real world feedback. we are not comparing oral steroids to other forms of abusing your liver. As i said before, if you choose to do high doses i have no problem with that. feel free to share your experiences and opinions so long as they are clearly your opinions. THis site is more than just a drug reference site, i hope we do a good job of educating people concerning the risks of what they are doing as well as the benefits. Our members health is important and will remain so. As long as you keep that in mind, we are good to go.


Posted by: rawdog
will not allow you to state for a fact that it is not harmful to the liver at any dose nor will i allow you to recommend doses of 200mg/day
first of all i never reccomended any dose to anyone. you should read back some post and see who did. secondly i'm not arguing because i could really care less.
any substance in higher doses can be harmful to liver. that's a given.
but once again if someone with a wasting disease can take var and improve ( at 80mg ed ) i would feel comfortable doing 150mg ed ( as reccomended by dan duchaine? or some other steroid guru who is not a dr! )however i would know that HEY this has got to put a strain on the liver, but so does one night of binge drinking!
i hope you don't think i'm challenging you in some type of i can read more studies on the internet than you, or i have more steroid knowledge than you. becuase i'm not going to spend that much time reading medical papers, and i don't have shit for steroid knowledge other than what research i've done on the net. but i have read med papers on var ,and in comparison to other orals it's very mild. and you're right that i did state that it's not hard on your liver period, but i meant that in context. and i will stand by my theory ( that if someone with hepatitis which is a liver disease can take 80mgs ed and improve that var is super mild and not a problem to your liver) until i see a study that shows the effect on a healthy liver at those doses compared to the effects of ibuprofen or alcohol etc. hell i'm sure you can go binge at mc donalds and have your liver values increase!
so again i never told anyone to take a dose, further more i've never told anyone what or how much of anything to take. the most i'll do is share my experience and pass on some information that i've read. in fact anything i post on any site is only information that i've read on this site or others similar to it. i don't claim to have any medical training or an extensive personal steroid experience, but i do have a brain and i know how to draw my own conclusions.
thanks, raw

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Posted by: jboldman
THis site is more than just a drug reference site, i hope we do a good job of educating people concerning the risks of what they are doing as well as the benefits. Our members health is important and will remain so. As long as you keep that in mind, we are good to go.


i agree 100%

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I<3 jboldman!!

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Cauliflower Ear
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so what is the concensis guys??? test at like 250mg ew, a little epo to keep the crit up....maybe some mdht before the fight? for shorter recovery time do you guys prefer HGH or igf?

Train Hard, Fight Hard, Party Hard

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I still like the low dose prop/tren halo combo...but up to you. 250mg a week will do you well.

Cauliflower Ear
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yeah im on the test cyp...200mg ew...and EQ at 400...i like scared to try the tren just cause i keep hearing that it makes it hard to breath....even at a low dose...

Train Hard, Fight Hard, Party Hard

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ah well...I wouldn't try it before important fight.

Like most things you shoudl try it in practive.

but 37mg eod 15mg halo and 75mg prop eod...3 weeks, sounds good.

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...My experience is that 75mg eod did no ill effect to my endurasnce or explosiveness. I trained several times, while I peaked before that fight, for over 35 minutes of fullcontact sparring with fresh partners every 5 minutes. Gassing wasnt an issue. I was also at 7000ft above sea level at that time.
How far into the cycle are you? I ask because If its too far I would plan it better before I started instead of throwing it in as an afterthought. If it's early, try it. It aint like you're fighting in a major organization, just feeder fights, right? (otherwise, you'd be tested....but if it IS a major fight, its gotta be far enough off so that youre clear anyway, right?)
It did give me tren cough...but only just as I shot it...(kinda like taking too big a bong hit)
I did it with 500mg/week of test. I wanted to counter the sexsides of the tren.

struggle---and shine on

Just because there is a goalie, doesnt mean you can't score.

Satisfaction is the death of desire.

Practice makes perfect; and I love 2 practice!!
-Dan Gable

Cauliflower Ear
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yeah, no big fights coming up...i got a you know there is a jj tourney break until about jan it picks up again...then builds til the pan am's...So yeah i will try tren for another cycle...are there any other androgens as heavy as tren...or tren just takes the cake?

Train Hard, Fight Hard, Party Hard

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halo's right up there.

or cheque drops

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I still think for what you are looking for tren would be hard to beat.


Cauliflower Ear
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thanks jb...i just keep hearing about thee shortness of breath....they say halo can actually increase v02 max...where tren deffinatly doens't you know....i will try tren in the off season... jb have you ever run that mdht or whatever that all the bros talk about? is that androgen anywhere close to halo or tren?

Train Hard, Fight Hard, Party Hard

Joined: 7 years ago
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never run it and i believe that low dose tren should have minimal effect on your breath, should look up some old posts here that address that.

btw, we have a mystery moderator that will be reappearing here in a few weeks.


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