From amp to vial wh...
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From amp to vial what to do?? give me a hand guys

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Whats up guys i have a quick qestion i need to move some deca from amps to a vial but i need to hide it in a B12 vial cuz its read that way the liquid looks red and the people in my house think its B12 and not deca ... now im almost done with the b12 vial its allmost all used up ... can i just break the amps and suck up the deca with a syringe and put it in the b12 vial or do i need to do something else to the vial b4 puting the deca in it..... Im asking this cuz i have my doubts i think the vial is sterile cuz it sealed has b12 in it and im not opening it ill just suck it up with the syringe and drop it in the vial...well thanks for ur tips oh the reason im doing this is cuz i moved back in with my parents and if they find deca they will go crazy on me lol im planing a deca Dbol cycle :biglaugh: bye Deca

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I would put it the b12 vial with a large syringe and then put it in a pan of water and heat it up on a stove (not boiling) that ought to do it.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

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as long as you swap the top of the vial with alcohol and are sterile when transferring from the amps to the vial you shouldn't have a problem

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bump to the top can some droplets of b12 left in the vial do any harm ... if so how can i get it out of there ??

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Originally posted by DECA bump to the top can some droplets of b12 left in the vial do any harm ... if so how can i get it out of there ?? Shouldn't be a problem leaving it in there bro. There have been numerous posts in the past on this board where guys recommend adding b-12 to lessen the pain caused by certain steroids.

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if you really look the part of a BB your parents will eventually find out. exercise disgression and cover your tracks to stay undercover. IMO. transferring a bunch of amps is more trouble than while showering pop an amp filling the syringe and injecting. in the long run your way probably is better but every time i try to preload or transfer someone pops up.

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yeah but i reather they not find any amps or stuff like that around my room... they know i inject b12 and i can have the needels and vial no prob ... but if they find amps or a vial with a strange liquid... there going to be like u brought drugs into the house and go crazy on me u get me .... so i rather transfer the deca into the b12 vial wich they know and see normally ,,, and that wont cause any attention u get me... and i keep the dbol in a bottel where i had some supp pills they wont know the diffrence on that

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Ya it should be fine. Np bro.
