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Fina at 200mg/ml

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I made a batch of fina at 200mg/ml a couple of days ago. It has not crashed, it looks stable. I simply reduced oil volume, not solvent, to achieve this concentration. At this concentration I will only need a 1/2 cc for my 100mg ED injects, this should help with alternate site injection pain (Bi's, Tri's, Chest). I'm not on cycle now, but I did a test shot to check for pain, likely hood of cough, ect....The shit is cool. This is just FYI info for the Brothers, I've seen a few threads asking if this concentration could be achieved.

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Excellent! I was planning a similar experiment soon. I am planning on mixing as much as I can at cold temps up to the crash point and then by raising to room temp, I know it'll be stable. Thanks for the info!

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How would you know if it crashes? Does it change color or something? I was wanting to go up higher in mine for the next go, just didn't know what to look for if it crashes.

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S&S of 'Crashing': The product will precipitate out of solution. You'll see a fine "layer of Dust" on the bottom of the vial or perhaps very cloudy solution all of a sudden, also, sometimes you can even see shit floating around in the oil. If this happens,it's easy enough to get back into solution by heating it and dripping a little more dissolving solution back into the vial to help it stay dissolved.

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Now the cloudyness would be then and there right? Not like one day later.

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It's the same as when your crashing it on purpose by adding water to the heet to precipitate all the crystals out of solution.

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007....If it's gonna crash it'd be about a day after making it. you start with a very clean, clear well filtered product...then, outta nowhere it it goes cloudy or shows one of other signs. Then what ya have is some fina in solution and some in suspension.....I imagine if you injected that stuff it would probably still have alot of anabolic activity...just a shorter half life. Brings up a good question. Any opinions of effacacy of a partial tren suspensionin oil?

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I would think everything would end up about the same except for needle clogs and possible injection pain. ??

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Hhmm, Well my last batch I made turned cloudy within a day or two. It never separated into layers though. I think I was told that I was just in too much of a hurry to filter it slow and possible got some gunk through the filter causing the cloudy effect on my tren. I stIll used and still using it as we speak. Seems to be fine, no pain in the injs or anything.

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Crashing is when absorption is exceeded. The oil will only carry so much product; it is a ratio of product to oil (not yet determined) If the final product crashes the portion ont absorbed will bind, and eventually settle. If your solution does this add oil in small portions untill the remainded in absorbed. This is no more difficult that making coolaide, the ratios are the unknowns.

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Regino007....your product is fine. You used a kit that is well established and uses the correct ratio of solvents to pwder to oil. Stick to kits and you won't crash it...EVER! It's these mad chemistry experiments that crash....where Igor and Dr Frank try to create monster tren for truly freakish Bessies. Book...I love the colaide analogy....I like the gold with a little BA for Flava. Look Fella's, I'm a GED kinda guy, Thanks to you Freaks....I'm learning more and growing bigger everyday. Thanks for coming out to play!
