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Favorite supplements/drugs and why?

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List your favorite supplements and why?

Favorite flavors etc. as well

List as many as you like, just be specific in why you use them, the effects (positive/negative).

Here is my list of favorite supps
Whey isolate
Salmon oil/SesaThin (from Avant labs)

I'll post the reasons why when I am online tonight or early tomorrow

Favorite drugs
test enenthate
trenbolone acetate

I have some others, but am out of time for now.

Have some fun folks, I expect to see some creative reply's!


"I project as the God Apollo, Yet I'm uglier than a bucket of smashed assholes"

"You say potato, I say FUCK YOU!" Dante


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high doses of clen(200mcg/daily) and small amount of t3 seem to work well for me.
beza is a good drug too
Nolvadex+proscar+minoxidil+spiroderm is a good stack for hairs re-growth.


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High-dose tyrosine- great mood and energy
DLPA- similar, just a little different
Alcar- this one's been beaten to death already, but I'll always have it on hand
Phenibut- it was great until my tolerance to it skyrocketed

I'm really gonna have to evaluate my arsenal and figure out what I can do without. Shit's getting expensive.

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Favorite Supps (because they work):

Whey Protien (cross flow, microfiltered whey isolate)
glucosamine chondroitin MSM
Barley Life

Least Favorite (because they didn't work, for me):

Creatine (I know)

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Protein powder (Whey and Casein)
Glutamin Peptide
ALA (haven't tried r-ALA)
Pure Caffeine

Stuff you can do without:
Ephedra based Fat Burners (too many sides IMO)


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Hopefully I will have quite a bit to add to this list as time goes on. Right now various appetite suppressants top the list. In combination they have given me the opportunity to control and manage caloric intake legitimately for the first time in my life (binging under control). I can maintain a consistent diet and find out more about what works for me in generating anabolism.

E/C (a mixed blessing)
Green Tea (for the caffeine)
Melatonin (for better sleep and most of all night cravings)

Various fiber and fiber-like supplements: (mainly soluble fiber due to the greater and lasting satiety effects)

Grapefruit fiber
Psyllium Mucilloid
Xantham gum
Guar Gum
6-7 liters H20 to go with the above daily


BSL WPC80 (for the price and quality)
BSL flavoring packets (a godsend in helping down the fiber listed above! Too expensive though)

Legal Anabolics:

Alcar, L-tyrosine, Choline

NOW brand products in general. Nice on the pocketbook and good selection. Mainly I am talking multivitamin, extra antioxidants and electrolytes here.

Things I can do without:
Unprocessed wheat bran (tastes horrendous)
My list of things to do without should probably be far longer.

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Man I must be in the Dark Ages, many of those supplements mentioned I have never heard about. My favorites are BCAA'S, VANADYL SULFATE and CREATINE. The reason is very simple BCAA's are the building blocks of muscle, Vanadyl sulfate was on of the first natural test boosters put out on the market way back in the 50's or 60's. Funny thing I didnt see it on the top 100 supplements list. It also makes your muscles hard. And Creatine is the best, what I dont understand is way back in the late 80's and early 90's when it was being taken athletes were getting serious results and gains because it was pure back then and not waterd down like it is today will filler and other additives.

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AMG, are you serious?

Vanadyl is pretty worthless, and it wasn't used to increase testosterone. It was used as an insulin mimicking compound or to increase insulin sensitivety, one of the two, I forget.

Anyhow, Creatine is a very useful supplement. But what do you mean by "watered down"? There are plenty of good pure creatine monohydrate product on the market. As long as it says Creapure, it's very pure and great quality.

BCAA's are good supplements when used correctly. Personaly, I would only use them if you do cardio on a empty stomach, or if you train first thing in the moring on an empty stomach.

BCAA's would also be a great supplement for endurance style athletes to prevent muscle breakdown.


"I project as the God Apollo, Yet I'm uglier than a bucket of smashed assholes"

"You say potato, I say FUCK YOU!" Dante


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Muscle Milk
Quality Whey

Fish Oil- good for heart,joints and matabolism
Ala- good for glucose matab and great for liver
Milk Thistle- liver
Green Tea Extract-matabolism and antioxident
Co Q 10- heart and brain function
Saw Palmetto-prostate
Biotin-card matabolism
Animal Pak-out of habit good vitimin, mineral combo

Anavar-next to test best aas
Test long ester
T3 for cutting weight
cialis-I just stated using this wonderful drug

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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What I like:

Protein Shakes:
- Muscle Milk
- Protein Customizer (blackstarlabs.com)

- B12
- ephedrine HCL/Caffeine

- T3
- clen
- Sust
- EQ
- Winny

I'm a simple man...

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Ok, I forgot to get back in this discussion and explain why I like, what I like.

Salmon oil/SesaThin - for it's anti fat gain prperties, as well as a whole multitude of other health benefits.

Whey isolate- Too many health benefits to list. My favorite "liver protectant", as well as it's great taste and mixability. I can drink these all day long.

M-1T- for it's rapid increase in lean gains, and increase vascularity.

M-4OHN for it's ability to decrease joint pains, increase lean muscle mass and vascularity. Similar to anavar when dosed properly. Gives an undeniable sense of over all well being.

Phenibut- For it's ability to decrease anxiety. For this, it's unmatchable as far as supplements go IMO. Also makes for some interesting/enjoyable combo's for unwinding.

Ephedrine/caffeine- for it's nutrient partitioning properties and increased rate of fat loss. Very cheap yet very effective.

Klonopin- Works unbelievably well for anxiety related sleep disturbances, and for me has caused zero side effects.

Test Enenthate- It's test, need I say more? I feel unstoppable/confident/strong while using test, and also makes cutting so much easier. Libido increase is always nice as well.

Tren- Increased vascularity and increase in lean gains like I've never experienced with any other drug. Makes me feel like a pile of garbage, but for it's effects on body composition, I'd say it's worth it, short term at least.

Anavar- see M-4OHN. Too damned pricey for me at the time. But what a great drug.

femara- Reduces water weight gain and androgen related sides like no other drug, for me at least. Helps my libido with even the most libido reducing drugs, and has me "hard" as nails.

clenbuterol- For the two weeks it works, it works VERY well. Great for fat loss.

T-3- once again, great for fat loss, especially when used in combination with clenbuterol.

"I project as the God Apollo, Yet I'm uglier than a bucket of smashed assholes"

"You say potato, I say FUCK YOU!" Dante


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What is it you like about Phenibut assitch?

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Muscle Milk protein
Weight gainer - whatever is cheapest

multi vitamins
Creatine while off cycle


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Natron, I will admit I have been off the scene of supplements for some time now. But as I pick up each muscle magazine I notice one thing in all of them-MORE ADS SELLING SUPPLEMENTS THAN ARTICLES GIVING ADVICE ON WORKING OUT. You say VANADYL SULFATE is worthless well how can a mineral that forces more amino acids into the muscles be worthless. And on the creatine standpoint remember when it first came out there was only one form of it- monohydrate now we have over 10 forms. Science have came along way but greed seem to have came further. Up until about 3 months ago liquid creatine didnt have a stable shelf life at all, but we had the most famus creatine serum selling like hotcakes. That brings me back to the ads, Creatine serum ads always had people in labs and wearing white doctors coats when they advertised it. Never even tested in a lab until AST Research paid the university of Arizona to perform a real study. Found out it was unstable in liquid form told the owrld but The serum stayed on the shelves of many GNC stores and many Vitamins stores because of one thing- it sold fast.
You told me you dont use BCAA's. Man every supplement that is made comes from BCAA's. Either man has came up with another compound to build muscle but last time I checked Amino Acids=Protien and Protien feeds broken down muscles and builds them back up.


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I totally disagree with you.

The statement about "every supplement made comes from BCAA's", shows your ignorance. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to sound rude or impolite.

Other than that, I don't even know where to start with your post?

Vanadyl sulfate is not popular in the bodybuilding world because it's effects are minimal at best. When you describe it as "forcing amino acids into the muscle", I think your confusing vanadyl with insulin.

Anyhow, best of luck to you with bodybuilding, and your supplement adventures.


"I project as the God Apollo, Yet I'm uglier than a bucket of smashed assholes"

"You say potato, I say FUCK YOU!" Dante


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