AAS wise,
You can build a championship physique using only trenbolone, testosterone, and Dbol....
Fact or fiction
I'm going with fact.
Fact but throw in some hgh.
Fact but throw in some hgh.W.
I said AAS-wise
Re: Fact or fiction-- all you need to become a champion is
AAS wise,You can build a championship physique using only trenbolone, testosterone, and dbol....
Fact or fiction
It would depend on how hard your muscles look on tren. Even with anti-aromatase, tren, and diuretics, some people need some tightening up with winny or masteron before they step on stage.
You probably don't even need dbol on your list though.
There's so much exotic shit out there--- Anavar, masteron (before it was relatively available), winny, primo.. Stuff is expensive.
I'm trying to convince my friend that he doesn't need all that exotic shit... Just a good AR binder (tren), and a good non-AR mediated growth AAS (dbol... or test)
a lot of champions were built with test and dbol before tren was commonly around. i would have to say you could certainly do it on ta,te, and dbol.
The number one factor that determines a pro BB is genetics.
liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.
i was hoping you would weigh in here lifts. given the genetic issue, do you feel that it is necessary to get quite so exotic to achieve a competition physique?
i was hoping you would weigh in here lifts. given the genetic issue, do you feel that it is necessary to get quite so exotic to achieve a competition physique?jb
No, these days many competitors use only test/tren or test/tren/mast pre comp. Just about anyone with with hard work, proper diet and dedication can be competitive at the state and regional level. Pros are another thing altogether only a very few ever reach those ranks, the very genetically gifted individuals who also train, eat, sleep, etc. perfectly. Many local bodybuilders take as many drugs as some pros, imo, drugs are only one piece of the puzzle to becoming a pro.
liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.
AAS wise - True. My immediate thought was False without Slin and GH but you addressed that distinction.
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~W.B. Prescott
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
~Albert Einstein