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What do you think about epitiostanol? Brand name: epistane,havoc,methyl E.
I heard that is it more powerful than deca.

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Has anyone never tried it?

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May someone answer me?

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never heard of the stuff....did you try googling it?? i did. I didn't write this, it was just what i found...hope it helps.


2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol from R.P.N., a new company. It's funny that RPN start selling this stuff before they even have their website fully up and functional. There isnt even a full writeup but it starts presale tonight. I'm not sure who (or what company) is behind it just yet. It first appeared in a post by dsade elsewhere. I'm guessing whoever put out Pheradrol (by Ph. Design, wuh?) is also behind this in one form or another. These 2 products, NP and Super****** are all related. Everybody who still wants to make $ off prohormones wants to dissociate themselves from the original company so we get strange new startups like this. Its likely protection of assets from legal action as well as the image of the original company. This is all just assumption btw. Anyway, I could care less. I'm all for it. Hire me to work for you when i graduate law school in a couple years. I'm thinking of going IP.

They are making big claims about this one. "Better than superdrol & PP but less sides".

Epitiostanol (2α,3α-Epithio-5α-androstan-17β-ol) - A controlled substance.

Havoc has added 17-alpha methyl group.

Epitiostanol is a relatively obscure steroid used for breast cancer that is only available in Japan. Again you might say, “How does a drug used for breast cancer work for us extreme fitness types?” Well, Epitiostanol was actually developed back in the 1960’s and has an
extremely good anabolic/androgenic ratio. This means that it causes a whole host of positive effects in the body with minimal negative androgenic effects. The reason it was used for breast cancer is that it was shown to exert a potent anti-estrogenic effect which halted the progression of estrogen-stimulated cancers. What wonderful characteristics to have in a steroid! Great muscle growth with small androgenic phenomenon with no estrogenic problems like gyno…sounds like the perfect steroid!

Well, the Japanese company Shionogi thought so too but they wanted a characteristic that epitiostanol lacked—significant oral bioavailability. The smart people at this company went back into the literature and found that 17B steroidal ethers caused a significant increase in oral bioavailability. They used the ether technology and voila, they created Mepitiostane. Fortunately, they didn’t stop there! They decided to
elucidate just how these ethers work. Read below for the story!

The Shionogi research team began their quest by asking the question as to what possible ways could the ether group be increasing bioavailability. They realized that orally administered drugs and nutrients are transferred to the systemic circulation via the portal and/or lymphatic route following passage through the mucosal cell of the intestinal lumen. They also understood that the portal route is considered to be the main route for compounds absorbed from the intestines because blood flow is about 500 times greater than lymph flow in capillaries of the villus.

Thus they first looked at the portal route and asked whether the ether group on the steroid could be preventing the steroid from being metabolized by the liver. They looked at the characteristics of the molecule and decided that this was probably not the right answer.

Although not the primary place of absorption of most compounds, the intestinal lymphatic system is known to play an important role in the absorption of some compounds such as long chain fatty acids, triglycerides and lipid soluble vitamins. A compound absorbed via intestinal lymphatics directly enters the systemic circulation at the level of the subclavian vein which avoids first pass metabolism of the compound through the liver.

With this in mind, our good friends at Shionogi decided to look here for their answers. Hey, all I can say is that these guys were right on the money! Using radioactive labeling of both Epitiostanol and Mepitiostane, they found that Epitiostanol is almost entirely absorbed via the portal route while mepitiostane is almost entirely absorbed via the lymphatic route. Bingo!

One of the most fascinating things that I noticed in their research was that there are literally a multitude of factors that determine the bioavailability of orally consumed steroids. Intestinal absorption usually refers to the process of uptake of a compound from the site of absorption into the systemic circulation. This process includes the penetration through the epithelial cells, metabolism in the epithelial cells and transfer from the epithelial cells into the portal vein or lymphatics. Any or all of these processes can significantly cause inhibition of absorption of the parent compound. I have heard for quite some time from various sources that methandrostenolone (Dianabol) works much better when taken orally than injected. I used to scoff at this but now I might be in a position to believe what I heard. You see, there is quite a bit of research which shows that anabolic steroids undergo significant metabolism in the epithelial cells. Consequently, ingested methandrostenolone, as well as other orally administered steroids, could possibly be significantly converted into other active species with highly different characteristics before it even reaches the liver!

In the magazines and advertisements, we hear all the time that taking so and so amount of prohormone will give you thus and thus blood levels of that particular steroid. They base this simply by saying that a certain predefined percentage makes it through unmetabolized by the liver. They do not consider the facts that a great amount might not get absorbed by the epithelial cells nor do they take into consideration the fact that much might get metabolized into either more or less active species. Basically, the whole situation is quite complex and cannot be simplified with such a sophomoric formula.

I also want to bring up the point again of how important it is to have a proper delivery system to cause increased penetration/absorption in the epithelial cells. I dug up a bunch of research which shows that without any type of delivery system as much as 50% of the ingested steroid can be unabsorbed. You can guess what happens to this unabsorbed steroid! Into the toilet my friend; into the toilet!!!

After Shionogi showed that steroidal ethers are absorbed in the lymphatic system, they did a series of studies which determined exactly what was responsible for lymphatic versus portal partitioning. Please understand that when the steroid is absorbed into the epithelial cell it is PARTITIONED or directed into either the portal vein or the lymphatic system. I already know what you are asking, “What determines the partitioning?”

It is a phenomenon called SUPERLIPOPHILICITY! If you remember correctly fatty acids and triglycerides are almost completely absorbed into the lymph. Superlipophilicity makes the compound associate so strongly with triglycerides and fatty acids that it absorbs in a similar fashion. During absorption, superlipophilic compounds become incorporated into the core lipids of chylomicrons in the intestinal mucosal cells of the intestinal mucosa. These fatty chylomicrons are then transferred almost exclusively into the lymphatic system (including the steroidal ethers).


A new antiestrogenic steroid, 2, 3-epithio-5-androstan-17-yl 1-methoxycyclopentyl ether, mepitiostane, given orally 10 mg b.i.d. to 50 patients with advanced breast cancer, produced objective regression of the tumor in 17 cases (34%). Objective regression of the metastases was seen in 20 of the 48 control patients given fluoxymesterone, 10 mg b.i.d. orally (41.7%). These figures do not differ significantly. The study was a prospective, randomized, double-blind trial employing the protocol of the Cooperative Breast Cancer Group. There was a significantly lower incidence of hepatotoxicity in the patients given mepitiostane.

This post was modified 2 months ago by Admin

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I have used Methyl-E before and it was decent, but I also stacked it with a few other prohormones. I dont think you will get much response onthis board though about a prohormone, especially one like this. Maybe if you were asking about superrol or M1T or something but this stuff, I doubt. People here are all very knowledgable and ready to discuss anything about real AAS, but doubt you will get much regarding this stuff. Good luck though.

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Posted by: bigwasserman
I have used Methyl-E before and it was decent, but I also stacked it with a few other prohormones.I dont think you will get much response onthis board though about a prohormone, especially one like this. Maybe if you were asking about superrol or M1T or something but this stuff, I doubt.People here are all very knowledgable and ready to discuss anything about real AAS, but doubt you will get much regarding this stuff.Good luck though.

bumpin that answer, to many of us the sides far out weigh the benefits of using a get aas like sides without a majority of the real good gains and benefits a proper aas cycle could/will produce

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I will say that I have tried the Methyl-E and as far as prohormones go the sides are not all that bad, if you know what your doing. But, I also stacked it with a few other prohormones so I cant tell you what the gains were simply from that product alone. As far as sides go, I am a very experiences PH user and I will say that certain PH's that I have used deffinetly are not worth the sides or the cost. I have recently been turned on to a place that will allow me to start to use real AAS for cheaper than an PH cycle and I can only imagine that the gains I will get from an AAS cycle will be far greater than a PH cycle and I am sure the sides will be much less. I can say that from experience the PCT's I have done with real stuff like clomid or aromasin or nolvedex are always MUCH better and more efective then using OTC stuff like 6OXO, novedex XT etc.

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Havoc(methyl-epitiostanol) is not a pro hormone but it is a real hormone like superdrol, phera plex etc...

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Well as far as I know both Superdrol(Methasteron ) is a designer supplement and PheraPlex is a phermone, or at least they were when they first came out. But I think those are both things that dont have a lot of background and studies like real AAS and thats why they have such horrible side effects. I did not get many, if any sides from Methyl-E(havoc) but in order to get any decent gains yo uhave to buy two or 3 bottles and combine that with a proper PCT and next ting you know you could have got a real AAS cycle, a mild one, that would net you better gains and be safer for you.

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Posted by: bigwasserman
Well as far as I know both Superdrol(Methasteron ) is a designer supplement and PheraPlex is a phermone, or at least they were when they first came out.But I think those are both things that dont have a lot of background and studies like real AAS and thats why they have such horrible side effects.I did not get many, if any sides from Methyl-E(havoc) but in order to get any decent gains yo uhave to buy two or 3 bottles and combine that with a proper PCT and next ting you know you could have got a real AAS cycle, a mild one, that would net you better gains and be safer for you.

Then these compounds are real hormone and not phermone. What results have you seen with epitiostanol?
