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Ephedrine addict?

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I've got a buddy who is seriously screwed up. This guy is Not in horrible shape. He used to do a cycle here and there, but it's been about 2 years. He's still a pretty big guy, but he's got a big ass beer belly on him from the twelve pack a day he pounds. On top of that, He also eats ephedrine a handfull at a time. I finally got him to admit to me that he takes a bottle(60 pills) a day. I did the math and thats like 1500mg ephedrine and 12,000mg guafenesin a day!!!! I think he actually takes more than that. He said he started taking them ten years ago and has gradually increased to were he is. Anyway, i was telling him about t3 that I was going to order, and said he wanted some too. I don't wont to kill the guy by ordering it for him.... and why isn't he dead alllready? Need a little advice. thanks, Turk

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Hey efedrine is a very powerfull drug. Even herbal variant is very powerful. Efedrine overdose can lead to sudden rise in blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. Continued administration of ephedrine (after depletion of norepinephrine from the nerve endings with loss of vasopressor effect) may result in hypotension ! In the absence of norepinephrine depletion, excessive parenteral dosage produces tachycardia, exaggerated rise in blood pressure, and possible cerebrovascular bleeding, plus central nervous system effects.

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tell him to take a month off and start at lower doses like 20mg of ephedra a day and nothing less...

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I looked on net and seems that ephedrine does not develop addiction.

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You can develop an addiction to anything.......

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Originally posted by Amatuer You can develop an addiction to anything....... I agree, anything that changes your brain chemistry a great deal is addicting. Ephedrine withdrawal is depression and loss of confidence from messed up noradrenalin. If he is truly taking that much a day, i dont know how he isnt dead other than he built up over a long time and is incredibly de-sensitised. He needs to see a doctor ASAP - if he stops cold, he will have a massive neuro-transmitter crash - he probably has to take 2/3 of that to feel close to normal. I'd really try and help this guy - it sounds like it is life threatening to me and very very serious therefore

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This post has to be a joke right???? 60 pills of ephedrine in one day equal dead as if's and's or but's. I have also seen ephedrine spelled alot of ways but never efedrine.

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Unfortunately this isn't a joke. He said he started taking it ten years ago in college to help him stay up late nights studying. It slowly became a daily thing then just increased from there. If i take 3 of them, I'm bouncing off the walls and very jittery...and I see him taking 12 to 15 at a time and he seems totally calm, though he sweats alot, even when it's not hot at all(He just says he's sweating out the beer). Any way I told him he needs to quite that shit, and he said he doesn't feel normal without it, he says without it he's tired and sleeps all day. Maybe I'll see if he'll cut down a little at a time. Thanks for advice. turk

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That's just crazy. With the amount you say he takes he should be dead.

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Originally posted by fatbastarditis he can survive that dose if indeed he did slowly increase his dosage over a long period of time. its when you take that much as a one off that you are likely in trouble his body has compensated for the amount of ephedrine he is consuming and has decreased the number and/or sensitivity of receptors to it if what you say is true he should consult a doctor to oversee his weaning off the drug, by measuring plasma levels and other indicators like heart rate, temp, blood pressure and yes i know what im on about got the degree to prove it cheers I totally agree. he has a huge problem and needs medical supervision coming off. FB would he have a severe blood pressure drop going cold turkey? What other side effects would happen, the psychological ones especially?

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Originally posted by fatbastarditis he can survive that dose if indeed he did slowly increase his dosage over a long period of time. its when you take that much as a one off that you are likely in trouble his body has compensated for the amount of ephedrine he is consuming and has decreased the number and/or sensitivity of receptors to it if what you say is true he should consult a doctor to oversee his weaning off the drug, by measuring plasma levels and other indicators like heart rate, temp, blood pressure and yes i know what im on about got the degree to prove it cheers degree or not everyone has there opinion and that dose is BS, but that is not the issue here. Yes he needs help so encourage him to seek it.

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Damn! I got massive headaches from just trying to stop cold turkey on diet coke. I can't imagine what this guy is going to go through.

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When he quits he's going to be fucked up for a long time. He probably won't get out of bed three days. I quit meth 5 years ago and that was hell on earth. I slept for weeks, got fat and couldn't function for a year. He will probably have to stop drinking at the same time. The the alcohol will compound the depression.
