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Enough Abt Steriods

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guys...........I had this major argument witha fucking doc....went to get a prescription for a friend of mine......the mother fucker...started talking abt steroids.....i'll cut it short in the end THIS IS WHAT HE SAID : STEROID:AN EVIL THING......THAT WAKES UP THE MONSTER INSIDE YOU AND YOU START DOING BAD THINGS. IT DESTROYS UR FUTURE. Y DO U WANT TO BE STRONG. JUST TO SHOW OFF. HAVE MILK AND OIL TO BE STRONG I feel like putting the mother fucker in a grinder. What should I do? Varun

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Wake the monster inside u. Buy a grinder. Think happy thoughts. It will be okay bro....ignorance is rampant these days.

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bro I wanna give him piece of mind.........I just want nice words......that i should tell him from ur side 😀 Varun

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u should keep your vices to yourself 1) don't expect the general populace to understand 2) it's illegal in certain places, so why out yourself at risk

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what is he, a voodoo priest?

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Nah Kev, he the doc thinks he's "Mr. Know it All" a few of my friends are in Med School-they say its not difficult to become a doctor, it just takes time and patience. Most teachers there are doctors and they supposedly are always right-hence "Mr./Mrs. Know-it-All" Im not so into doctors right now, I just had gyno surgery and the doc fucked up, two months later my fucking right nipple looks the same-I want to kill the doc, but I'm going to wait a little more than see what he says-cuz if not back to surgery and let's do this shit right this time.

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Oh and if anything I'm not paying again-that surgery blew away 4 Serono Kits I was going to buy =fu

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Yea, the MD community thinks that because most of us lack a string of letters after our name, that we are not capable of doing out own personal cost-benefit analysis. In the words of Eric Cartman from South Park "... Whateva, whateva, It's my body. I'll do what I want." lol Fuck this doc. Hire an ex-con to catch him in the showers and show him what a real "Monster inside" is!!! Bayne

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you guys do steroids !! you are all evil monsters :devil: & are destroying your futures because you do bad things

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I hate the way the public is so ignorant about steroids use. They don't seem to understand that alcohol and tobacco will kill them way before any steroids will. Really makes me sick to know that I can go out and buy something that will just cause cancer and lung problems but I can't go out and just buy steroids in the store. As long as steroids are used properly and in moderation there shouldn't be any problem.

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Originally posted by Bayne Yea, the MD community thinks that because most of us lack a string of letters after our name, that we are not capable of doing out own personal cost-benefit analysis. In the words of Eric Cartman from South Park "... Whateva, whateva, It's my body. I'll do what I want." lol Fuck this doc. Hire an ex-con to catch him in the showers and show him what a real "Monster inside" is!!! Bayne lol funny shit :biglaugh:

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Yeah, steroids are evil, but it's okay to prescribe millions of Valiums, Prozac and downers so people can walk around hooked and keep pumping money into the pharmaceutical industry. =:fu

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Originally posted by ShizzoNizzo u should keep your vices to yourself 1) don't expect the general populace to understand 2) it's illegal in certain places, so why out yourself at risk bro whos gonna arrest me here?NYPD? the mother fucker cops here cant even spell "steroid" and besides that I am the "president of the evil things :devil: in New Delhi" besides even if I wasnt.......just takes a bottel of RUM to make everything legal here Varun

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I asked the mother fucker if steroids are bad then Ban them, make em illegal, keep a check, stop manufacturing them. The assole says"ITS FOR THE NEEDY U PEOPLE ARE MISSUSING THE STUFF" So the how many needy people are there that the company makes millions of tests per day????? 90% people I know cant even afford it they are so poor.then who the fuck u are making them for? ITS ALL JUST MEANINGLESS BULLSHIT CRAP........the gov should make laws of kicking such fucks out of the medical industry......"fuck off from here and go and become a witch doctor in AFRICA" Varun

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I absolutely agree that most MD's don't know shit about steroids.It is however VERY difficult to become a doctor.Try not sleeping for 48 hours straight and then get home from the hospital and try to do your homework.My cousin is a doctor and he worked his ass off to become one.That does not excuse their ignorance though.

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