Drugs: Life Experie...
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Drugs: Life Experiences Survey

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That's a very bad story, that someone would suffer so much for bodybuilding and get such disrespect. The drug I have had problems with is alcohol - part of the student culture. it ruined my studies for a while, very bad stuff. I don't understand how someone could drink all day every day, i have drank all day for a week once and the withdrawal was horrific, fortunately it's not physically addicting for me

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oxycontin- watched a friend with a wife and newborn end up under a bridge living. then ended up in jail. oxycontin- watched a friend who sold weed and barely did drugs. ended up in jail and spent 20,000 crack- watched a friend who was a killer surfer end up in prison. crack-knew a woman who left all 5 kids with her mother and father to live with her crackhead boyfriend. oxycontin-knew a guy who had thousands lost it all and pawned everything for these stupid little pills. oxys are taking over many lives in my town. pharmacies are getting robbed daily.

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I grew up in the '70s, so I guess you can say I "experimented" with a few different things. I tried coke (didn't like it, made me very depressed), speed (used it a few times for all day moving or busy nights at work, but left me feeling washed out and used up), percs/vicoden (okay, but I never really got into them except when I took them for injuries), THC (nothing), alcohol (my mom is alcoholic, so I never really got into it), and weed(the only recreational drug I like at all). Today, I don't do any of the substances I mentioned, including alcohol, except for weed, which I smoke periodically. My wife doesn't like me to smoke anymore, so it's not very relaxing to do when I know she'll give me shit, so I basically don't do that either. The only one I used a lot was weed. It does make me a bit lethargic, which is a definite negative. The best policy is to stay away from all of these things...

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alcohol- i love to drink when im stressed used to drink 4 times a week now 1 time hasnt fucked me up but i have done some stupid shit coke- i alwase want to do it when im drinking ill sometimes get a half a gram tried it once sober and flushed the rest down the toilet due to crackhead feelings so i can onlly use it with alcohol weed- good for sleeping and relaxing but clowds my mind alot, effects school work bigtime. meth- never tried it but i have a script for adderol it makes me really stressed but i can think clearly xtc-dont like it i have done it alot but cant stand the way i feel the next week. oxys- i went through a fase with them they are addictive but i no longer have a intrest. srooms/lsd-cool mabe once a year i dont like getting all whacked out and paranoid. ketamine-it was cool but i have no interst the only things i have intrests for is 1 weed 2 alcohol to have fun and not be so paranid and stresed and 3 coke i only use a half gram but i tend to do it when i drink and its around. if im drinking and i havent done it in a week or two and someone puts it in my face ill do it then feel ashamed the next day but i am in no way addicted its only if im hanging around people doing it otherwise i dont even want it

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I would say that everyone is claiming alcohol to be the worst simply because it is the most widely abused of them all. I took a couple of biology classes back in college and what I learned was that ACID was by far the most damaging drug out there - it causes damage to your brain that is irreversible and basically brings on the same effects as Parkinsons desease, because it deteriorates the center of your brain. And EACH and EVERY time you do it makes it that much worse. My understanding is that each and everyone of us would come down with Parkinsons disease if we lived long enough and Acid just bring the onset of it to an earlier age each time you use it. I cant explain it with any detail(its been many years), but you get the point. I also learned that weed was probably the least damaging, BUT like anything else if you do it too much you are going to get some bad effects. Personally I dont do any of it. I never feel the need to. I drink socially on occation and in moderation(and I wouldnt drink and drive because I have also known people to die in DUI related accidents).... and I smoked a little dope back in college (after learning that it wasnt sooo bad 😀 ) But I have never trusted anything else nor felt the urge to try them, not too mention I am a fucking psycho and I couldnt handle that shit so I am scared I would lose all my inhibitions and do some fucked up shit. The ONE time I let my girl talk me into doing a half of an extacy pill(while i was already drunk), I fucking went nuts and did some shit that I would of regretted had I remembered it all. Even the things I like, like weed, I have never felt an uncontrolable urge to do and I havent done it but maybe 20 times my whole life and it has been quite awhile. I do not have an addictive personality, and that makes it hard for me to understand the people who do, BUT I cannot judge others who do. That shit must suck to not have control. I tend to not want to respect "those" people, but like I said I try not to judge "them". I have many friends who have addictions and when they come to me for advice, my simple and straight answers do them NO good whatsoever, they need to have shit all complicated and in steps for them to even have a chance to stop. Damn that must suck, regardless of what the addiction is!

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Well I guess I should be happy that I never did all the drugs and shit like all my friends did, because while we are all in our late 20's and early 30's I am the only one who still looks like a teenager! 😀 I get carded for lotto and when I try and go anywhere that is 18/21 and over. I guess all those times my friends were lit and being cool while I was just having my fun "naturally" were worth it 😀

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docdeath81 said: >The reason for the whole "drug war" is that right there. Why do people feel a >need to be fucked up and totally out of control? Why do they need to feel not >responsible for their actions? It makes no sense at all to me. I'm in the wrong >century or something. You are painting a lot of people with a very broad brush. I have done a lot of drugs and only once "been out of control." The one time was when I stupidly didn't pay attention to how much grain alcohol my buddy was mixing into my beers (yes, we were hardcore drinkers). If I had been mixing my own, I wouldn't have spent the night sleeping on the sidewalk and in the hallway of a public building. I and most of my friends have never done drugs in order to "feel not responsible" for our actions. Being "out of control" and "not responsible" would defeat the entire purpose of doing drugs, at least in my case. Yes, you should have been born during the 17th century. You would have fit right in with the Puritans who believed that anything which caused enjoyment was sinful and that all sinful acts must be severely punished.

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well i had a cokehead girlfriend whose habit got so bad she faked being pregnant to get abortion money out of me. Giving her the money tore apart my soul, b/c I always said I would never do that. I actually believed her. I had to leave town after I gave her the money. Found out from my friend that she bought a shitload of drugs from some guy that next day. I have a friend (an overweight black guy, so there is genetic pre-dispostion) who recently had an anyuersm(sp?). The doctors told him that his chronic pot smoking and cigarrette smoking accelerated his vascular problems. All of his friends who smoked with him took only 2 days off when he got back from brain surgery. Smoking right in front of him and shit. I would not be suprised if he is doing it again. They all waste their lives, having nothing better to do.

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Originally posted by madseasn sometimes i think that if i quit drinking beer... would i still enjoy hangin out with my friends... and would they still enjoy hanging out with me... or would we lost interest in each other?... kinda sad i know.... I drank a lot in college, but don't drink very much at all anymore. Just never really feel like it. I get non-stop shit from friends when we go out, because they are used to the old BG. My wife even gives me shit sometimes, saying shit like, "everyone else can relax and have a good time, why cant you?" I don't know why it is, but most people just get irritated if you don't drink because you don't want to. It seems like they feel like you don't want to have fun with them anymore just because you wont drink with them. It's kind of lame, but it happens.

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I thought there was to be no talk of rec. drugs on this board anymore. Where is PMS when you NEED a thread deleted. hehe

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Originally posted by joeybuttafuco This is a good thread. I read the rules also but I don't think this thread should be deleted. And that is why it is a problem. It doesn't matter if you or I think it is a good thread or not. It is not supposed to be here on bolex - period.

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I saw 4 of my friends who were doing high level courses at university go aggressive, paranoid and anti-social in 6 months of using ecstacy weekly and smoking dope daily. Another guy blew a very good job due to cannabis, got a police reecord and has gone from a top notch job in his field to having to start at the bottom. Personally alcohol has done me alot of harm, but its abuse was really caused by 3 years of prolapsed disc mis-diagnosis by idiot doctors. but my memory was almost photographic and went very bad, almost kosokov syndrome although on an everyday basis it's back to normal - it's practice it seems, though i don't think i could do a degree again. I really think drinking is terrible even a few beers as i am 26 now and get hungover for days after a night out with the lads, and it just isn't worth it. Far better to be happy sober, go out and have a laugh, and if you're not happy unless you are intoxicated, get to the root of the problem. In my case thank god I'm gonna have a back operation.

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Originally posted by BigWill My life experience with drugs: All of my friends who are pot heads, etc. are so far behind in life that it is pathetic. No skills, careers or future. They arent motivated to do anything in life except to get high. What a waste. i agree 100%.....seen it happen to several good friends

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Damn, I only get five...ok here is a few popular ones. 1) alcohol - four of my best friends that I grew up with aren't here anymore because of this one. Also have two friends that its wrecked their lives divorce, financial problems, legal problems, and general underachievement. 2) tobacco - lost a couple family members to this one. Also seen plenty of people drop the coin for their cigs, but their kids run around with ragged clothes and bairly enough to eat, nuff said. 3) coke - very good friend of mine I grew up with, one of the brightest guys I know, dropped out of school & focused his life on chopping out lines & getting his next fix. A chick I know, damn hot (well used to be), started stripping to support the habit, then started turning tricks, & last I heard was doing porn. 4) weed - Several college buddies didn't make it past two semesters because of this one. Rather get nuggied than go to class. 5) Steroids - One of my best friends decided he was gonna stay on indefinately, orals even. Now he's not even suppose to so much as have a beer or a tylenol cause he suffered liver failure. Another bro I know suffered a fatal heart attack at the age of 37. Big roider, had a family history of heart disease, didn't believe in cardio just getting big, & never went to the doc. Pretty bad shit huh? You know what though, I don't blame the drugs on these misfortunes at all! Most every one of the cases was their own damn faults. They were either weak, or just plain fuck ups...period! It just so happened that that was the particular poison they chose. For the life of me I can not see how anyone can sit back and blame drugs for the problems in society. Bottom line is, if someone is bound and determined to fuck up their life, they will find a way. Whatever particular poison they choose is insignificant. DRUGS HAVE NEVER BEEN THE PROBLEM! Its the people using the drugs. I, and countless people that I know, have done each and every drug I just mentioned with absolutely no problems. With the exception of the 4 friends I lost in a drunk driving accident, each of the people made a choice. Its that simple! They all knew that these things could cause problems if abused & they made their choice. So where does the fault lie?

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I never really believed drugs were the problem by them selves. I think drugs are ok if you dont go fucking crazy and let it control you and what you are. i do drugs, shrooms, LSD and sometimes pot, rarely drink and maybe some X once a year. I lost my father cause of meth but it didnt explain why he never was around even when sober for a few years. He was just a big loser and I cant tolerate people who blame drugs for thier mistakes. I am not so sure about the whole everyone is different and some can handle it and some cannot but if it is true then I guess it comes down to some people can handle be alive and breathing and some cant.

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