Drugs: Life Experie...
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Drugs: Life Experiences Survey

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In light of the recent and usual pissing contest about whether Ecstacy is a horrible killing drug or relatively harmless, I thought we should post our experiences with drugs, the harm they've done and see which ones are hurting people the most. This is not just about us, but our families, friends and others around us. Don't elaborate, just mention the drug and abbreviate the harm it did. 1) I personally grew up with an alcoholic dad and it destroyed my family. 2)A friend (straight)resorted to gay acts to fund his cocaine habit. 3)Saw a friend go from a top 7yr medical student to a wondering junkie 'cause of many drugs but mainly hydrocodone. 4)Seen several of inlaws resort to fighting,stealing and forging scripts for hydrocodone and somas. 5)Cousin went from potential football star (full scholarship to major college) to never playing again after drunk driving incident. Try to limit to five or less. I thought the younger people on the board should hear from real experiences instead of lab reports or CNN scare tactics.

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Good idea mike. 1. Methamphetamine- Turned me into a skinny psycho gun carrying drug dealer destroyed myself as well as family and freinds etc. etc. etc. 2.crack/cocaine - watched one of the prettiest girls in highschool go from prom queen to working stewart avenue (whore street in GA) for $10 a BJ $20 anything. Very sad. 3.Heroine - Was with my ol' lady when here brother shot himself up with some bunk shit. Paramedics said DOA on the seen. 4.Alchol - Best freinds brother drunk driving and got into a head on collision killed both drivers........This only happend 8 days ago. He was only 21 the other driver was 26. Whatever decisions you make in your life please dont drive drunk. I have been to some funerals but just recently going to one for someone i knew that was only 21 and died for such a silly thing was the hardest one I will hopefully ever go to.

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My life experience with drugs: All of my friends who are pot heads, etc. are so far behind in life that it is pathetic. No skills, careers or future. They arent motivated to do anything in life except to get high. What a waste.

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Most of my family is upper middle class and the only black sheep so to speak is my cousin. He's always been a musician and got involved with alcohol at a very young age like 14. Went on to harder drugs like coke and I'm sure all the club drugs such as meth,X etc. Well it's funny but the drinking is the onlyl thing that's really fucked him up. His pancreas is in really bad shape and he's not supposed to touch alcohol ever again. I honestly think he's fighting a battle between his sexuality and my more conservative family. But hey he could just be one of those "artsy folk!" As far as alochol my Uncle drank and smoked his whole life and just recently died at age 45. Fuckin sad! Was a multimillionaire who owned his own business. Everything went to shit and in the last two years developed throat cancer and died. He probably aged a good 20 years in those two years. Grandparents smoke like chimneys and have "happy houred" all their lives. I'd say alcohol and smoking are worse than anything, atleast long term.

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eatbiggrowbig how the fuck can you be serious about bodybuilding if you are doing coke, pot and drinking alcohol. Jesus man "coke only once a week", and can't go two days without pot. That is called a problem.

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Cisco, let's try to not question or get on each other about personal habits. This thread is to make a point about what we see with our own eyes compared to what we hear on TV or what is published in journals. BTW, one of the best built guys I ever knew (real prick) was a coke addict; he mainlined but was good enough to compete on a national level...go figure.

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All the lives that those drugs, specifically, coke has fucked up I just can't see why any sensible person is using them. Now I have a drink or two now and then and I have smoked pot before too, but only a few times back in my late teens, that is it. I am not holding anything against anyone becasue it is there own life but christ, some people are just asking for a fucked up piece of shit life. I have nothing against this thread but this is just my humble opinion.

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Stay away from Acid! I did alot in high school and I pay for it now years later. Be honest with yourself. I fyou are going to drink then set aside A day or night when you know you don't have to train the next day and get trashed, but do stay away from DUI's. I have a friend, great guy, who plea bargined 12 years after killing a man in a drunk driving accident. Apperantly this guy he had killed had a father that was killed only 3 years earlier because of the same phuking reason. So hear comes MADD and the whole family to the stand begging the judge to throw the book at him. He was looking at 30-40, oh did I mention he was 18 at the time. The sad part is he was only a couple of points over the limit. The girl in the car with him was telling him faster, faster, faster. He gets his Iroc 'Z' going about 150mph. Apperantly he passed a cop and the cop radioed his partner miles down the road who watched the whole thing. So he is going about 125 when the guy pulls out in the road only to get hit right in the door sending him soaring throught the passenger side window out onto the street. God Rest His Soul. My point being don't drink and drive.

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Don't blame a substance for your problems. If you arn't able to handle the drug don't take it. Simple. If drugs wern't around people would still be finding ways to fuck up their lives and then blame it on something else. 100 years ago all these arguments about "I took coke and destroyed my life" were exactly the same used for masturbation. "I didn't work hard at my exams because I was hooked on masturbation".... "I was prom queen until i started masturbating". "I went mad because i masturbated twice a day". It was total bullshit to blame masturbation then and total bullshit to blame drugs now. As John Lydon said "The problem is YOU. Now watcha gonna do?" Don't look for any outside causes. Look at yourself.

Rebel Juice
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Pot - when I was in my young teens I sold it and smoked little bit, stopped smoking when it began affecting me negatively. Alcohol - I was an alcoholic for a while in my teens. Quit it and was clean for years. GHB - has been very beneficial for me. Xtc - haven't used too much, once every few months, nothing serious so far. Nubain, Temgesic, Torbugesic - played with those.Have no interest anymore. Some misc. drugs which I can't even remember or didn't even know what they were that I got from friends - don't use those anymore. Ketamine - very helpful , use it ocassionally. Vicodin - used it couple of times. Some opiate i got IV in the hospital - once , GREAT! Oxycontin - eaten and snorted alot.You can't not fall in love with it so stay away .Seems I have not developed an addiction yet because I have a few pills with me right now and I have no desire to use them. Alcohol seems to be the worst drug that I've seen many of the people I've known have succumbed to.

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Masturbation - most terrible and damaging drug of all. A friend of mine was doing great at school and was captain of the football team. After he started masturbating he lost all interest in life, went blind, insane and eventually died. PLEASE don't masturbate. Heed these warnings: During the Victorian era, physicians began to believe that all sexual activity was dangerous to physical and emotional health. Masturbation was viewed as the most dangerous form of sexuality and was named as the cause of every known disease, from blindness to nervousness, insanity, venereal disease, tuberculosis, and death. With every credible American doctor and medical association issuing dire warnings about masturbation, any step taken towards its eradication and prevention was deemed justified. In cases of masturbation we must, I believe, break the habit by inducing such a condition of the parts as will cause too much local suffering to allow the practice being continued. For this purpose, if the prepuce is long, we may circumcise the male patient with present and probably with future advantages; the operation, too, should not be performed under chloroform, so that the pain experienced may be associated with the habit we wish to eradicate.4 A remedy for masturbation which is almost always successful in small boys is circumcision. The operation should be performed by a surgeon without administering an anaesthetic as the pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind, especially if it be connected with the idea of punishment.5 Clarence B. was addicted to the secret vice practiced among boys. I performed … circumcision. He needed the rightful punishment of cutting pains after his illicit pleasures.6

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Pot- used to do it 2-5 times a week. Pretty much quit 1 1/2 years ago, did it about four times since. I have no desire to do it anymore. Shrooms- Havent touch them in 2 years. Grew them. They didnt effect my life negatively. I liked them, but i decided it was time to get a life and give that shit up. I have no desire to do them anymore. LSD- Did it twice. Freaked me out both times. I felt like a big paranoid piece of shit. It really makes you crazy. I will never touch that shit again. Alcohol- I experienced some of the best times of my life drunk. I rarely drink, maybe one or two on the weekends now and then. Alchohol has fucked up not only my family but both my parents and my girlfriends as well. I stay away it as much as possible. Vicoden/shit like that- Did it alot, dont touch it anymore. Any drug complicates your life, PERIOD. Please dont drink and drive.

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And informative... OK.... 1) Alcohol - I have personally battled the alcohol demon in the past, very severe consequences on my life at the time. Very very bad effects on my health, and will probably deal with that later. Also, some friends who are now "functioning" alcoholics, but wouldn't hang out with em anymore, too annoying and agro when they have a beer 2) Pot - some I know still smoke a lot, no problem at all, life is good. Some I know have let shit go downhill in a big way, but they use other drugs as well. 3) Acid - seen some old friends turn into space cadets, some with no probs. But basically, those who took a lot DID end up screwed. 4) Meth/Ice/other amph - depending on use, type of amphetamine... I've seen some fitness friends use a fair bit often for a long time, no damage. I've seen some girls I know who got into ICE turn into literally babbling psycho witches. Also seen some aggro incidents. "Speed psychosis" is to be watched for. 5) Smack - everyone I know who has become a regular user of the Hammer has gone under. Don't see any these days, and guess they may be dead. Of all, I think all are just as damaging, depending on use I spose. Alcohol though has the greatest ability to hurt OTHERS - you may drink drive, fight, hurt a woman.... I've seen mates take swings at coppers who had their hand on their gun for fuck's sake, and I was the only thing in between.... IronMike

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well all I can say from this thread is amphetamines are absolutley traumatic!!!! This shit turned me into a person that is not me....if you did the shit you would have loved me. I had it all but really had nothing. The shit easily manufactured from ephedrine and ALL body builders and teens stay away it will warp your mind to a point were you have justified everything you do and will totally warp your brain take it from a former meth cook.

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LSD - Connected me to the universe MDMA Conneted me to my wife and all other humans Special K - Connected me with God Woodrose Seeds - made me sicker than a mother f'r 2ct2 - Good high much like acid less visuals GHB - I gave it up after falling asleep with my dick in my hand for the hundreth time. alcohol - has made me angry, violent, depressed, and sometimes very happy. I have really never had an issue with any drug, I use for the sake of enlightenment and not recreaction so that may have something to do with it. I really think drugs will just enhance what is already inside. If your a physo then acid will bring that forth for example. dex

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