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Driving with gear in the car

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One thing I hate is driving while I have gear in my car. I almost never do it, but I am in the middle of my cycle and am going away for a week and it will be a 3 hour drive there. I am always nervous as sh!t when I drive with gear. How do you guys handle it? I was thinking what to do if I do get stopped for some reason. Does the cop automatically have the right to search my car if he asks? Should you refuse to let him search if he doesn't have the right to in the first place? Also, what would give him the right to search? If he called in a dog and I had Dbol, test, and EQ would the dog detect it? I assume if he saw the syringes that would give him the right but if he didn't see anything out in the open I assume I could refuse to let him search, right? Any input would be taken to heart. thanks, Growingman

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An officer needs probable cause to search your car. I would just keep your stuff in a suitcase in the trunk while traveling. If an officer requests to search your car you can politely decline. If it goes so far as to him calling in a dog, I still wouldn't worry as the general consensus is that there isn't one dog in the United States that is trained to detect steroids.

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He does not have the right to search your car. Most will try to pressure you into letting them but you do not have to let them. In canada they cant even make you take a breathalyser (sp) without first allowing you to contact your lawyer.

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they can search your car no matter what...i'll give you an example: a car and person with a similiar description as yours has committed a crime gives him the right to search your car. You have to remember its his words against yours, he can do anything he wants to do just play it smart and dont be a dick when u get pulled over thats all you can do

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I don't worry about it man. Just play like it's not even there. Just don't drive like a mad man and you will be fine! You have a suspicisous looking car??

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is it possible to ship ahead...that's what a lot of guys do to avoid airline security..domestic and you have to know your addy...

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Shoot, I was happy after I read the first post that he can't search my car but then I got further down and got confused.:( I see that their are mixed thoughts about the cops rights. Unfortunatly I can't ship ahead so I will just drive carefully.(Like I usually do) 😀

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If I am not mistaken.... Unless there is probable cause for him to search, you can refuse. Just remember to keep your gear packed away in a suitcase in a trunk or whatever. USE CRUISE CONTROL. DONT DRIVE IF YOUR DROWSY. If you eliminate the need to pull you over in the first place, then your least likely to get searched...right? Dogs can't smell roids, unless you have them packed away with a kilo of coke or something LOL. I can remember a while back I was driving to the KC airport, crossing from Iowa into MO. I was going 5 over and a state patrol guy whipped around and I knew he was gunna pull me over. So I just pulled over when I saw him turn around and threw on my seat belt. He was really cool about things (probably because I took the chase away) and let me go with a warning. Later down the road I was looking for my sunglasses and opened the sunglass holder up above me and a bag of 100 D-bals fell onto my lap! I had TOTALLY forgotten about them! Close call.... FOX

Walter E Kurtz
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You guys need to keep in mind that probable cause is a very fluid/amorphous concept. Oftentimes, a cop will conjure up a probable cause justification ex post facto AFTER he has discovered contraband and arrested a suspect. I'm not trying to make you paranoid, but you must keep this is mind. I refuse to travel with gear in my car...if you must, be careful and you will probably be OK.

Walter E Kurtz
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Originally posted by FOX If I am not mistaken.... Unless there is probable cause for him to search, you can refuse. True...but if he searches the car anyway, finds your stash, and then claims that contraband was in "plain view", it will be a very tough sell to get a motion to quash/supress granted.

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i dont know where your from but i've been pulled over about 20 time in my driving life time and not once have they asked to search my car so the odds are on your favor

Walter E Kurtz
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Originally posted by trying2getlarge i dont know where your from but i've been pulled over about 20 time in my driving life time and not once have they asked to search my car so the odds are on your favor Usually its not an issue. However, I have been hassled before while driving down I-80 with Illinois plates. In some jurisdictions, the state police have a real hard-on for out of state drivers. Chances are nothing will happen, but why take chances?

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It'll go like this.. you get pulled over for that broken taillight you didn't know you had.. being that you are nervous the cop thinks there's something up and ask to search the car.. you say no problem sir and maybe he doesn't find anything because he's not looking to hard.. you say no and he radios backup makes up a a good story and rips apart your car and finds evreything.. if you must keep it in a 'locked' bag in your trunk and be cool..

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"I smell marijuanna." That's all they have to say for probable cause.

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Originally posted by Walter E Kurtz True...but if he searches the car anyway, finds your stash, and then claims that contraband was in "plain view", it will be a very tough sell to get a motion to quash/supress granted. EXACTLY! A dirty hand mirror, a dirty ashtray, a SLIMJIM for that time you locked your keys in the car and had to open your car on the fly. I believe they can materialize any probable cause they want to. There was a story in Collin's book about a guy hauling gear in his trunk out of state. Got pulled over (for out-of-state) plates. Cop wanted to search, he refused. Cop called in the dog. Dog was going aroundd the car and the handler said..."We aint got shit". the OTHER cop said..."He said we got a hit...please step out of the car...." Such goes the law...good things we have guys like Collins, Walter and Citruside fighting the good fight. FOX

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