waddap, i have 3 sustanon vials and a 10 cc bottle of dragon pharma test. i don't have the cash to buy any more shit and i am going to shoot this for a cycle. any suggestions? 6' 190 semi lean. not my first cycle. i got out of the scene for a year or so and i am back.
save it til you get more.
Agreed. Save the stuff for now.
i'v done small amounts before and had great gains. i am also a fan of the lack of side effects while and after the cycle. keep the reply's commin ๐
also, i'v been freekin for a few months to get just what i got lol. it would be very hard for me to sit on this stuff. after this tiny cycle i am gonna build a nice one for next summer... i'l let ya all know how it goes
Get another 10ml vial of sustanon or enanthate. Then 450 to 500mg a week should be nice. I personally gain off of 250mg/week of test but that's just me.
If you dont have the money, then start your cycle and once your about to run out of test, buy some more.
actually i had already been thinking of that ๐ first shot went smooth btw ๐
how long off till your body receptors accept a cycle and treat it as a virgin cycle ? a bud at my gym has been off for ayear and a half and front loaded cyp 500 mg first 2 weeks then 250 there after and gained 25-30 lbs at week 6 or 7 then got some andros and has been happy since caped at 30-35 lbs and he was a big or moderate user in the past. any input appreciated