doseage for test cy...
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doseage for test cyp and tbol

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was planning a cycle of test e at 500mg ew. since we cant get it, i'll be doing test cyp. i knew the doseage of test e was 500mgew but dont know the doseage of test cyp. i also decieded to add Tbol as a kickstart but need to know the daily doseage and for how long. also how many bottles of the Test Cyp at 10ml do i need to get for a ten week or twelve week cycle. this will be my very first cycle. im 5'9" 195lbs three years training very hard.. please help. ready to start shooting

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est cyp comes in 10 ml bottles with 200mg per bottle. So you are looking at2000 mg per botle. Figure out the total amount you will need and compare it to that.

My kit came with 30mg daily of methanabnol2 for 4 weeks and I added 5omg oral turinabol onto that. However after more research Im dropping the ot and only using the methanabol for now. hope that helps.

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I would run

500mg Test Cyp PW (2 x 250mg injections mondays and thursdays)
50mg Oral Turanabol ED weeks 1 - 5 or 6

If you run this for ten weeks you will need 5000mg test cyp that is 3 bottles, you will have 1000mg left over.

If 12 weeks you will need 6000mg which is exactly 3 bottles.

Good Luck

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the test c is 200mg.3 bottles will be fine to run 500mg a week.i'm running the same thing with tbol 50mg a day for 5 weeks.stregnth is way up.looking very cut,until the test kicks in.i also added deca 400mg week.with proviron 25mg a day.but if this is your first cycle.just test 500mg week for 12 weeks and tbol 50mg a day for 5 weeks will be a good cycle,imo

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thanks all of you guys. this has been very helpful. once again thanks for not bashing me out for asking question as a newbie like they do on other forums. will up date my progress on this cycle

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Bro, you will never get bashed on this site for asking those types of questions. This is how we learn by asking questions and also researching- running searches and so on-, there is so much great info on this site, take full advantage of it and educate yourself my friend. Now you have found a home with Growxxl there is no need to look elsewhere. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!!!

This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Admin

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.

Happy Gilmore
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have no idea

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Posted by: gustavo77
Bro, you will never get bashed on this site for asking those types of questions.This is how we learn by asking questions and also researching- running searches and so on-, there is so much great info on this site, take full advantage of it and educate yourself my friend.Now you have found a home with Growxxl there is no need to look elsewhere.Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!!!




This post was modified 4 years ago by Admin

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Bro I did cyp. and it only comes in 200mg per ml/cc so I did 600mg a week two shot a week at 1 1/2 cc or you could try 400mg aweeks to see how it works for you . Good luck and let use know how it works out.
