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dos and donts for cutting

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whats up guys just reading a thread called dos and donts for bulking, how about some does and donts for cutting obviously with emphasis on retaining as much muscle as possible, any thoughts

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dont do high intesity cardio dont not eat (lol, double negative)

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Do EQ. -=KraKr=-

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yeh but doesnt EQ take a while to kick in

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DOs: Diet Cardio DNP HGH Clen t3 Test/EQ Don'ts: Don't believe everything you read (instead - find out what works for you)

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Experiment!! There are many different factors when it comes to dieting, and different things work for different people. My main rule is, learn to diet without dieting drugs (AAS can be okay for sparing muscle, but DNP, T3,clen are not necessarily needed) so you know how and what your body needs.

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Originally posted by Jay_Abbays DOs: Diet Cardio DNP HGH Clen T3 Test/EQ Don'ts: Don't believe everything you read (instead - find out what works for you) i think i would put DNP under the dont section!

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I didn't read the threads, so this may be redundant. But, I get frustrated by people who say they can't get ripped. Anyone who wants to get ripped simply has to do the following: Eat 2 grams of protein per lb of lbm per day Eat .5 grams of carbs per lb of lbm per day Eat .25 grams of fat per lb of lbm per day For protein eat (chicken breast, turkey breast, tuna, egg whites, lean fish) For carbs eat (PLAIN oatmeal, potatoes, rice) Do at least 1 hr of cardio a day, build up to 2 hrs. Don't change your workout plan. Don't cheat, and stick to the fucking thing for 12 weeks. There isn't a single human on earth who will not be ripped following this, provided they're under 15% bodyfat to begin with. You wanna know how "the pros" get so ripped, or how people get into contest shape? It's like this. It doesn't take motivation, it takes dedication. Trust me, the motivation will leave the first week. It ain't fun, not one bit. But walking on the beach at 4% bf is. If you want a short cut, then good luck, and have fun being pudgy. Guys, it's not the drugs. I guarantee if you follow the diet I posted, anyone will get ripped. The drugs help, but they don't allow you to eat chicken wings and get ripped. Stop worrying about what drugs Lee Priest uses, and realize that he does up to 3 hrs of cardio a day, yes 3 hrs. And follows a similar diet to the one I posted. I believe he ups the carbs a bit however. Here's some progress pics of mine after 4 weeks on the above diet. Cardio was only 30 min a day. And absolutely no "cutting" agents were used, except ECA only before workouts. That's my exact motto. People are always talking about getting motivated to go on a diet. Motivation is worthless. There's no way in hell you'll still be motivated after your 200th chicken breast washed down with plain broccoli. You have to be DEDICATED. Dedication is what remains when all motivation has left, and you can't stand to do more cardio, because you've read every magazine ever produced, you'd rather eat the ass out of a dead donkey than one more plain chicken breast, and your typical routine of thinking of sex every five seconds has been replace by food every 2 seconds. It's the DEDICATION that takes us to where we want to be. Motivation will do nothing but make you set your alarm for 4:30am that first night. Dedication is what gets you up to that 4:30 alarm everyday for 3 months straight. IM NOT going to take credit for any of the above. That was all written by Troponin. I agree 100% with what he wrote...THIS is how u get cut. End of discussion.

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Originally posted by gotgear i think i would put DNP under the dont section! For sure, that shit is a waste if time and sweat...

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Valkyl, I have that post cut and pasted away back when he first wrote it too LOL. makes a lot of sense...I'm doing it right now...except my cardio isn't 2hrs....not even fucking close to two hrs but its working 😉

Just a Pilgrim
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Well i believe in carb cycling even though Valkyl doesn't i think :-). I also believe in cheat meals around once a week, depending on how you are cycling your carbs. You need to keep your metabilism running, i just came off dieting for 14 weeks and by the last 3 weeks my carbs were very low, even the highest days on the cycle were only 150 grams. Now, a few days off, i am having to control my carbs a lot otherwise my stomach can't handle it and i'm getting very tired trying to digest it. My metabilism slowed down a lot. Hey it's keeping me very lean coming off the diet but eating 300 grams of carbs a day and feeling it's too much isn't fun.

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do: moderate amounts of high intensity cardio dont: go nuts and run miles on end in the heat till you faint (happned to someone i know)

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do: tren

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that post that Troponin wrote is so what i want to try for a month or 2 and see how it works but with college, and work its so hard to have a good diet when its a struggle to make it to the gym 5 times a week.

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Valkyl that sounds good i might have 2 try it just jope i can stick 2 it

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