Do's an don'ts of b...
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Do's an don'ts of bulking for me...

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I'm posting this here because this area gets the most volume, and also because I'm going grocery shopping later this evening. High carb, low fat, moderate protein diets DO NOT WORK for me. I've tried so many variations on this theme and they simply do not work for me. I am naturally an endo/meso morph, I have no problem putting on weight or getting stronger. What does work for me is a diet moderate in fat, lowish in carbs, and high in protein. Nearly any varation will work for me. I'll get to the point now, I"m looking for the must do aspects of dieting to bulk. I'm not interested in being a tub of shit, and I Have accumulated some solid info, just looking for some more. This is what I've come up with *with help* 1. Always drink a protein shake first thing in the morning 2. Always drink a protein shake before and after training -the shake after training should have between 50-100gms of simple carbs in it. 3. Always drink a protein shake before bed. 4. A meal high in good fat in the middle of the day helps me feel satisfied. 5. Red meat no longer works for me like it used to, it only makes me feel bloated, and sluggish. 6. Eat all my complex carbs before 12pm 7. After 12pm eat leafy vegetables 8. Keep sodium to an absolute minimum. These are not rules that I"ve set for myself in stone, rather I am looking for criticism. I've accumulted these bullets through interaction with fellow members, mods, and reading this boards on a daily basis. What can I tweek to get the most out of my training with respect to diet? Thank you ladies and gents, Tybs

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good post. Sounds like some basics of a good diet.

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I'd apply six of those eight to myself! ๐Ÿ˜€ Works for me!

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You bastards. ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

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As you watch your weight and image in the mirror, tweak your carbs so that you still have plenty of energy and your brain functions right. And dont forget your solid meal 30 mins or so after your post workout shake.

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Good stuff. What do you guys do on rest days for meals? Because I don't know what to do I figured the best way to maintin steady macro influx would be to eat 4square meals and 3 shakes alternating between the two.

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Good post bro. I find it very hard to bulk eating a ton of carbs. I feel way to full on them which makes it hard to get in the calories. I prefer a medium amount of carbs and bumping up the protien and good fats myself like flax or natural peanut butter.

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i usually have more carbs on workout days...lil less protein and less fats...on rest days high protein...mod fat and moderate an endo/meso too

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im currently not started my cycle, but i have been bulking for a month. I'm 5'8.5" my diet has been app 2500-3000 calories(200g of protein, 45g of fats,300g of carbs,15g of sat fats) i've got mass since i started but also a belly. i'm about to start my cycle would you guys suggetst i increase my calories when i start or do you guys usually stick with the same diet on and off cycle? thanks,peace.

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You should deffinetly change your diet when you are one cycle. Personally, I would up my good fats, and up my protein, generally speaking I get 1.25grams/lb of protein, I would up it to 1.5 at the least depending on the drugs I was using. Good fats should be increased because they help your cholesterol out, and as you know when on cycle you need everything you can get to get your cholesterol back in sync. To be honest I never really think about the amount of carbs I"m getting, I usually just count the grams of fiber that I"m getting in a day. My reason for this is because it is pathetically easy for me to get fat, and very difficult for me to stay lean. Be it because of the foods I like to eat, or my metabolism. For me, I'd rather have a winter layer (no pot belly), and be huge, and then try and cut up because I would have less fat on me, and that would equate to less time dieting, this of course works well on paper, and I have yet to be super ripped. Any more suggestions bros? I can't do the carb thing, at least in any kind of value, I do enough just so I don't blow up like a balloon, but that's it. It's strange because I know people with similar builds who do the moderate protein, low fat, and high carb diet and it works wonders for them. I just get really fucking fat. lol.
