U have some really bad anxiety and I told my pychologist that I was on HRT. She is telling me that test causes my anxiety. Is this true?? Does anyone know. I take 500mg a week right now(a mild cycle) I dont seem to recall feeling less or more anxious depending on how much test I used. Any input or scientific studies would be welcomed
i was the 1997 International Spelling Bee Winnur
Anxiety is listed as a possible side effect of Testosterone but I honestly have never experienced it nor do I know anyone else that has, even while on high doses of testosterone.
No, it causes peace and tranquility.
"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.
when you take test, you are not only affecting test in the body, hormones all interact
I think that hormonal changes could possibly cause anxiety in some people, everyone is individual and that is what makes this whole "science" so difficult sometimes
Yea, im having a bout with my pychiatrist abuot test not causeing anxiety. I tell her that when I come off I feel so much worse then when I am on but she doesnt want to hear it
i was the 1997 International Spelling Bee Winnur
no anxiety ever here. quite the opposite for me.
almost only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and sometimes social dances........oh yeah...ain't nothin about me real on this internet shit, so don't quote me.
the reality of it for me is when I am off I am an irritable ass! Of coarse I should never be off but sometimes I get sick of the pins
Androgens can cause anxiety and in my experience, it is dose dependent.
500 mg of test is NOT an HRT dose! Your test is probably jacked through the roof. Are you using an AI to control the estrogen levels from all that test? High estrogen can cause anxiety, or maybe you just have anxiety regardless of your test level.
Test usually produces a calming - well being effect, cant wait
to run again AryanSteel