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Doc put me on cyp.

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Yesterday, my doctor gave me my first ever shot of Testosterone Cypionate. It was 1cc, which I believe is 200mg. What should I expect from this, if anything at all, in terms of mood and sex drive (which I got it for), and strength, muscle gain, and body fat? How long before this kicks in? Other info: test level was 211 ng/dl, prolactin was 19. Was on Androgel for three months (to no avail) and been on Dostinex for ten days (half a tab twice a week, which made me feel better almost immediately) Thanks OXO

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the shot was actually prolly 250mg, but i dont expect u would c anything, maybe a 1 pound increase in bodyweight or so... y the doc give u a shot newayz?

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Why? Depression, fatigue, two years of therapy that did nothing (except waste a lot of money), three months of Paxil that did nothing (except make me sleepy), and three months of Wellbutrin that did nothing (except make me tense). So someone said "hey dude, get your testosterone checked", and it comes out way low. That also explains why I have made only very modest muscle gains over the last six years or so, even though I've been lifting pretty damn hard, if I say so myself. I once did a brief cycle of Dbol. Never done injectibles. (Needles used to really freak me out. That changed a year ago - that's another story) Now doc wants me to learn to inject myself. That opens possibilities. But for the moment, I will stay with what the doc is willing to give me, which right now is 1cc per two weeks.

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well 1cc every two weeks might show u some mild results, ive never really heard of anyone dosing that low for a steroid cycle though so i dont really have nething to compare it with

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Thanks. It may be a low dose, but it's a start. Doc will be doing blood work over the next couple of months, and establish a dose that he thinks I need. Of course I want those tests to come out as low as possible, so that he gives me more. So I don't want to mess with it just yet. Unless there is a way to REDUCE the level, just before a blood test? Once doc is happy with the dose, and hands me the needle, I'll be looking at adding more. I'm hesitant doing anything illegal, because I have a green card pending. If I get caught with gear, I could in effect end up getting deported. I have to be velly, velly caleful. Note that this is not really a cycle. I'll be on this stuff for the rest of my life.

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American cyp Im pretty sure is not made in 250mg/cc. So, your right, it was probally 200mg. When you start inj yourself you should inj .5cc(100mg) every week instead of 200 every other week. It will keep blood levels more stable. I would not add anything until the doc starts letting you inj yourself. If you do your test will show high levels and he will lower your dose or maybe even stop therapy. If you have never cycled before (i wouldnt count that dbol cycle) and increase your clas you could gain a few decent pounds. My first cycle was 250mg/week of enanthate (primoteston) and i gained 30lbs in 8 weeks and kept 17.

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How often do you have go back for injections? Standard hrt dose is 200mg eow..

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ironman: he put me on 200mg eow. pinz: how does enanthate compare with cypionate?

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When my doc put me on Test Cyp- 200mg every other week it changed a lot of things for me. Within two days of my first shot, the blast furnace and hot flashes (episodes) I experienced all came to a stop. Within three days my wife sure looked appealing to me. And within a few more days my moods of depression came to an end. When I went back for my second shot, I told the doc he had given me back my life! If Congress outlaws testosterone, I will become a criminal. I have no intention of every doing without it again.

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Originally posted by oxo ironman: he put me on 200mg eow. pinz: how does enanthate compare with cypionate? Well all testosterone is the same once the ester is claved off in your body. And since the cypionate ester and the enanthate ester are very similar (half-lives are almost the same and they weigh almost the same) there is very little difference.

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HRT with cyp is often done when the Doc doesn't want to use or feels the patient can't afford Androgel or TestoDerm. Many of the Docs I know don't like using the cyp as they feel they need to order labs to monitor levels more often. I have been on both and notice no difference between the topicals or 200mg Q/2 weeks. The cyp works better in warm climates because the Gel and patch are bothersome. No one that I know, including me, has noticed anything from this, that's the point. It is "replacement" therapy not a "cycle". It puts you at a theraputic level baseline as if you were not suffering from hypogonadism.

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I myself, have been on the same treatment for 2 years now. I take 2cc of 100mg/ml cyp every 2 weeks. Now it is starting not to work and I need to go back to up my dosage. I'm really looking for a substitute as that I'm sick of sticking myself (I've modified it to 1cc every week). Does anybody have any idea what causes this? I've been checked for probs with my adrenal glands and nothing was wrong. I am 38 years old and don't want to believe that I'm going into some sort of male menopause. Is there something that I can do to try to up my free test levels without shots? The patch wasn't strong enough for me for some reason per blood tests. Right now I'm looking at Faigin's Natural Hormonal Enhancement regimen. For those of you that don't know what it's like, imagine abruptly coming off of a big cycle with no other chemicals to aid in your natural recovery. Then take that lul and make it 24 hours a day and 365 days a year! All the depression, lack of libido, lack of workout results and just general apathy about life sucks! BigBaldy

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Oxo, thanks a lot for sharing your experiences. I've never heard anyone associate depression with low testosterone levels before, although now it seems obvious and makes perfect sense. I actually feel pretty stupid that I never thought of it before. Sounds like your depression lifted, and that's awesome, I'm glad for you bro. If you remember, post a follow-up in a few months to let us know if the depressions remains at bay. If your depression returns, you might want to try Zoloft next -- it takes the edge off for me.

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Bigbaldy: Did your doc test for prolactin? As I understand it, prolactin is produced in the petuitary gland, and an excess of it suppresses the production of testosterone. On top of that, it also interferes with the way testosterone works in the body, so it's a double whammy. At least that is what my endocrynologist told me. The alternative for sticking yourself could be Androgel, but it didn't work for me. It seems to have a different level of success for every individual. Maybe I have thick skin or something. To be honest, I found it made a mess. The gel comes off when you sweat, it sticks to your clothes, you can't shower for six hours - and it didn't really do anything for me anyway. So good riddance. I'm actually looking *forward* to sticking myself, if it actually drives away the blues, gives me back my energy, my sex drive, and maybe even get something out of those eight hours a week I spend in the gym. Did you ever tinker with the dose, or did you stick with what the doc gave you? oxo

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Originally posted by oxo What should I expect from this, if anything at all, in terms of mood and sex drive (which I got it for), and strength, muscle gain, and body fat? How long before this kicks in? OXO I've been enanthate for about a month at 100 mg per week for HRT. I noticed an increase in sex drive very quickly (just a couple of days), followed by an increase in memory and concentration within the first week. Strength and muscle gains have been minimal but diet isn't 100% right now. I feel pumped all of the time instead of flat almost right after my workouts like I was pre-HRT.

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