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Dbol vs. ???

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What other product is as good as Dbol but has less pumps? My husband took the dbol's loved them but the pumps were almost crippling.

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what do you mean by crippling did it feel like his muscles were going to rip through his skin? what else was he taking and what results is he looking to get

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Try some Tbol. Its a good product for lean mass gains but it is not as powerful as Dbol. I love the dbol pumps personally, but to each their own 😛

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Is this for you RunnerGirl or your Husband? Based on my personal experience I can recommend primobolan tablets for both men and women. Men should not take them without exogenous Testosterone because I can confirm that they will shut down natural production. I became very cranky when I took them without anything else. At the time I was experimenting with primobolan and Anavar orals taken alone to determine how much effect they had on natural production. You hear different things. I found that they could be taken alone for a few weeks without problems if I took them once a day at the same time each day, or every other day. But even that resulted in some shut down for me after 3-4 weeks. Now then, if this is for you I recommend primobolan tablets wholeheartedly. 25-100 mg per day depending on your weight will improve your gains without adverse side effects. Dbol is great but it can have permanent side effects that you might find undesirable. It's very dosage dependent though.

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My husband took 30mg ed of dbol the first 4 weeks of his test 500mg ew cycle and after the second week his pumps were so intense he had to take long breaks between excercises and because of that the workouts were over 2 hours and sometimes he had to lay down on the floor cause of the lower back pumps. It was funny to see him like that. For his 2nd cycle he wants to take another oral to start but something that doesn't give insane pumps. I told him about the tbol and anavar but he said its kind of weak compaired to dbol.

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Yeah but you wont find something so strong without pumps. it comes with the territory.

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How is Anadroxyl/anapolon???

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I know what your husband is experiecing, it happens to me with too with d-bol. However, i get it with dosages of 40-50mg, 30mg is somewhat tolerable. Did he take his d-bol all at once before training?? If so then he could just run 10mg 3x per day or just run less d-bol. As far as substitutes t-bol is good, anavar as well, but even t-bol at 50mg/day gave me some outrages pumps. i think that it mostly dose dependant and I have also heard that the amino acid taurine is helpful when it comes to muscle cramps and painful pumps.

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He took the dbol 10mg every 8 hours. Why he was thinking anadroxyl/anapolon was because it doesn't say anything about insane pumps like dbol. But we are asking cause we dodn't know anyone that has taken anapolon. Are those also called abombs??

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anap's are some crazyy orals lol
